The Bible |
Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr.
Philadelphia College of Bible
edited by
Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr.
The Problem
Simply to contend that the Bible is the Word of God is insufficient in this
day of controversy. To claim that it is inspired by God adds significance
but is still lacking. There is a definite need for the thorough Bible student
to be able to state clearly and precisely his conviction in regard to the
scope and meaning of inspiration as it relates to the Bible!
Its Importance
"The turning point of the battle between those who hold ‘the faith
once delivered to the saints,' and their opponents, lies in the true and
real inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. This is the Thermopylae of Christendom.
If we have in the Word of God no infallible standard of truth, we are at
sea without a compass, and no danger from rough weather without can be equal
to the loss within. 'If the foundations be removed, what can the righteous
do?' And this is a foundation loss of the worst kind." (Spurgeon)
Webster - A supernatural influence which qualifies men to receive and communicate truth.
Kuyper - Inspiration is that special and unique operation of the Holy Spirit whereby He directed the minds of the writers of the Scriptures in the act of writing.
- Inspiration is a supernatural influence exerted on the sacred
writers by the Spirit of God by virtue of which their writings are
given Divine trustworthiness.
Note: The word always implies an influence from without producing
effects beyond natural capacity.
The word inspiration occurs only twice in the English Bible – Job
32:8 and 2 Tim. 3:16.
The ASV cancels out the noun in both instances.
The Latin word inspiro is used in the Latin Bible in Gen. 2:7; 2
Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21, and inspiratio in 2 Sam. 22:16; Job 32:8;
Ps. 18:15; Acts 17:25.
Webster - Revelation is the disclosing to others of what was before unknown to them.
Strong - Revelation is direct communication from God of truth to which man could not attain by his unaided powers.
Saphir - Revelation unveils to us a world which we never could have discovered by our own research.
- Revelation is that act of God by which He directly communicates
truth not known before to the human mind. Revelation discovers new
truth, while inspiration superintends the communication of that
Note: The Hebrew and Greek words for revelation (occurring about
50 times in OT and NT) carry the meaning of uncovering, unveiling,
or removal.
Webster - Illumination is enlightenment, spiritual or mental.
- Illumination is the quickening of man's cognitive powers to understand
truth already revealed.
Note: Greek word for illumination occurs once in NT--Heb. 10:32.
The three words inspiration, revelation, and illumination are not synonymous.
Dr. A. H. Strong has made the following analysis of the words which
is very helpful in differentiating between them.
Inspiration without revelation - Lk. 1:1-3
Inspiration including revelation - Rev. 1:1,11
Inspiration without illumination - 1 Pet. 1:11
Inspiration including illumination - 1 Cor. 2:12
Revelation without inspiration - Ex. 20:1,22
without inspiration - present day Bible preacher
Note: Read 1 Cor. 2:10-13 and find in these verses an illustration
of each: inspiration, revelation, and illumination.
"Mason's Notes"
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