The Book Of Leviticus

Leviticus Introduction
Gleason Archer

"The Hebrew Bible gives to the book of Leviticus the name Wayyiqera ("and called"), the first word of 1:1. The LXX title Leuitikon means "That which pertains to the Levites," and serves to indicate the centrao theme of the book. The chief emphasis of this compendium of priestly regulations is laid upon the holiness of Israel as a nation set apart for the service and glory of God. It deals particularly with the proper presentation of sacrifices and the maintenance of a clear distinction obetween that which is clean and that which is unclean." *

*  Gleason L. Archer, Jr., A Survey of Old Intestament Introduction, Moody Press, 1970

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Jeremiah 18:15
Don't stumble from the Ancient Path

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