The Book Of Judges

Outline 1

  1.  Introduction 1:1-3:6
  2. Retrospective 1:1-2:10
    1. The Failure of Israel 1
    2. The Rebuke of the Angel 2:1-5
    3. The Death of Joshua retold 2:6-10


  3. Prospective 2:11-3:6
    1. A summary of the Period 2:11-23
      (Key words: Rebellion, Retribution, Repentance, Rest)
    2. A summary of the Enemies 3:1-6


  4. The History 3:7-16:31

Text Enemy Subjection Deliverer Rest
3:7-11 Mesopotamia 8 Years Othniel 40 Years
3:12-31 Moabites, Ammon, Amalek 18 Years Ehud (later Shamgar of the Philistines 80 Years
4-5 Canaanites 20 Years Deborah (and Barak) 40 Years
6:1-8:32 Midian 7 Years Gideon 40 Years
8:33-10:5 Usurptation of Abimalech 3 Years Tola, and Jair 45 Years
10:6-12:15 Ammon 18 Years Jephthah, (Elan, and Abdon) 10 (+6+7)
13-16 Philistia 40 Years Samson 20 Years
