The Book Of 1 Samuel |
Outline 1
- Eli and Samuel 1-7
- Contrasted family life in Shiloh 1-3
- Elkanah and his son. Righteous
- Eli and his sons. Wicked
- The Philistines and the Ark of God 4-7
- The Philistines victorious 4:1-7:1
- The Philistines defeated 7:2-17
- Samuel and Saul 8-15
- Saul's selection for the throne 8-15
- Israel's demand for a king 8
- Israel's request granted 9-11
- Israel addressed by Samuel 12
- Saul's rejection by the Lord 13-15
- His sinful impatience 13
- His insensate zeal 14
- His miserable hypocrisy 15
- Saul and David 16-31
- David as a shepherd 16-17
- David and Samuel 16:1-13
- David and Saul 16:14-23
- David and Goliath 17
- David as a courtier 18-19
- the friendship of Jonathan 18:1-9
- the devotion of Israel 18:10-16
- The love of Michal 18:17-30
- the jealousy of Saul 19
- David as a fugitive 20-31
- Jonathan's faithfulness to David 20
- David's wanderings 21-24
- David and Nabal 25
- David's further wanderings 26-27
- Saul and the witch of Endor 28
- David and the Philistines and Amalekites 29-30
- Death of Saul and Jonathan 31