Book of Zechariah |
The Book Of Zechariah
Introduction The Book of Zechariah
J. Deering
ZECHARIAH (Zehk uh ri' uh) Personal name meaning, "Yah (in long form Yahweh) remembered," "Jehovah is renowned or remembered."
The prophet who flourished immediately after the Exile in 520-518 B.C. and urged the people of
Judah to rebuild the Temple. He was the eleventh of the twelve minor prophets. Like Ezekiel, he was of priestly
extraction. He describes himself (Zech. 1:1) as "the son of Berechiah." In Ezra 5:1 and 6:14 he is called
"the son of Iddo," who was properly his grandfather.
His prophetical career began in the second year of Darius (520 B.C.), about sixteen years after the return of the
first company from exile. He was contemporary with Haggai (Ezra 5:1).
His book consists of two distinct parts, chapters 1 to 8, inclusive, and 9 to the end. It begins with a preface (Zech. 1:1-6), which recalls the nation's past history, for the purpose of presenting a solemn warning to the present generation. Then follows a series of eight visions (Zech. 1:7--6:8), succeeding one another in one night, which may be regarded as a symbolical history of Israel, intended to furnish consolation to the returned exiles and stir up hope in their minds. The symbolical action, the crowning of Joshua (Zech. 6:9-15), describes how the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of God's Christ.
Zech. 7 and 8, delivered two years later, are an answer to the question whether the days of mourning for the destruction of the city should be any longer kept, and an encouraging address to the people, assuring them of God's presence and blessing.
The second part of the book (Zech. 9--14) bears no date. It is probable that a considerable interval separates it from the first part. It consists of two burdens.
The first burden (Zech. 9--11) gives an outline of the course of God's providential dealings with his people down to the time of the Advent.
The second burden (Zech. 12--14) points out the glories that await Israel in "the latter day", the final conflict and triumph of God's kingdom.
The Outline of Zechariah
I. The Call to Repentance, 1:1-6
II. The Visions of Zechariah, 1:7-6:15
A. The Vision of the Horses and Riders, 1:7-17
B. The Vision of the Four Horns and Four Craftsmen, 1;18-21
C. The Vision of the Surveyor, 2:1-13
D. The Vision of Joshua the High Priest, 3:1-10
E. The Vision of the Golden Lampstand, 4:1-13
F. The Vision of the Flying Scroll, 5:1-4
G. The Vision of the Woman in the Measuring Basket, 5:5-11
H. The Vision of the Four Chariots, 6:1-8
I. The Crowning of Joshua, 6:9-15
III. The Questions Concerning Fasts, 7:1-8:23
A. The Fasts, 7:1-3
B. The Failure of the People, 7:4-14
C. The Future for Jerusalem, 8:1-23
IV. The Oracles Concerning the Future, 9:1-14:21
A. The First Oracle, 9:1-11:17
1. The victories of Alexander the Great, 9:1-8
2. The comings of the King, 9:9-10
3. The victories of the Maccabees, 9:11-17
4. The blessings from Messiah, 10:1-2
5. The rejection of the Shepherd, 11:1-17
B. The Second Oracle, 12:1-14:211. The Lord's care for Jerusalem, 12:1-14
2. The Lord's cleansing of Jerusalem, 13:1-9
3. The Lord's second coming to Jerusalem, 14:1-21
Zechariah - The King Cometh
1. Christ The Branch Zechariah 3:8
2. Christ My Servant Zechariah 3:8
3. Christ's entry In Jerusalem On A Colt Zechariah 9:9
4. Christ, The Good Shepherd Zechariah 9:16; 11:11
5. Christ, Betrayed For 30 Pieces of Silver Zechariah 11:12-13
6. Christ's Hands Pierced Zechariah 12:10
7. Christ's People Saved Zechariah 12:10; 13:1
8. Christ, Wounded In The House Of His Friends Zechariah 13:6
9. Christ, The Smitten Shepherd Zechariah 13:7
10. Christ's Coming On Mount Of Olives Zechariah 14:3-8
11. Christ's Coming And Coronation Zechariah 14
The Visions of Zechariah ("I saw by night, and behold....")
1. The Angelic Horseman 1:7-17
Here is the picture of Israel today, outcast, but not forgotten by
2. The Horns and Blacksmiths 1:18-21
The overthrow of Israel by her enemies is foreseen.
3. The Measuring Line 2
The coming prosperity of Jerusalem is seen. The city, walled in by
the presence of God, is great in extent and blessed by His favor.
4. Joshua, The High Priest 3
Filthy garments clothing the priest, and representing Israel's sin,
are removed, replaced, and the Branch (Christ) introduced.
5. The Golden Candlesticks 4
Israel is shown as God's future light-bearer. Olive trees, anointed
of God, speak of Zerubbabel, the ruler, and Joshua, the priest.
6. The Flying Roll 5:1-4
Wicked governments receive God's curse in this unique picture.
7. The Ephah (measure)
Born away on divine wings, wickedness is removed.
8. The Four Chariots 6:1-8
Administrative forces of righteousness.