Understanding The Bible
The History of Israel:  Addendum 3


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Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr.
Philadelphia College of Bible

  1. Pages 1 - 4
    1. What are the three periods of Bible history?
    2. What are the two main divisions of period one?
    3. By what name are the books written during Period Two called?
    4. What two reasons make the Intertestament period of interest to students of Scripture?
    5. What is meant by SRB?
    6. What is meant by ASV?
    7. Name three helpful collateral books and their authors.
  2. Pages 5 - 8
    1. What are the five main points of the outline of Genesis 1-11?
    2. Summarize in a good paragraph the inadequacy of evolution as an explanation of the origin of things.
    3. Why is “theistic evolution” an unsatisfactory explanation?
    4. What is the date of the creation of the universe? State precisely the three views.
    5. Approximately how long has man been on the earth according to: (1) Hebrew chronology; (2) Septuagint chronology?
    6. What two names of God are used in Genesis 1 and 2, and what is their significance according to SRB?
    7. Underline in your Bible and list here the important (and often repeated) words and phrases of Genesis 1 and 2.
    8. Tell what thing (or things) God made on each of the six days.
    9. What did God do in the seventh day? Of what is the seventh day’s rest typical? (Note definition of a type, SRB, p. 4, end of n. 4; also SRB title of ch.2)
    10. Prove that the universe is not eternal.
    11. What bearing does the often repeated phrase “after its kind” have on modern theories of the evolution of plant, animal, and human life?
    12. What does the account of the first marriage (2:18-25) teach regarding:
      1. The divine institution of marriage
      2. Its permanence
      3. God’s blessing upon it
      4. God’s command of procreation (1:28)?
  3. Pages 8-10
    1. According to John 8:44, Rev. 12:9, who spoke to Eve through the serpent?
    2. Of what are the coats of skins (3:21) a type? (SRB, p. 10, n. 1)
    3. How did the fall affect Adam and Eve’s residence in Eden?
    4. Diagram the lines of descent of Cain and Seth.
      Note examples:
      Cain            Seth
      Enoch         Enos
      Irad            Cainan
      etc.             etc.
    5. Write a good paragraph of the SRB view that “the sons of God” are the Sethite line.
    6. Write a good summary of the second view as to the meaning of “the sons of God.”
    7. Summarize chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, using one sentence for each. Note example: “Chapter 6: ‘Conditions which gave rise to the flood, announcement of the flood.”
    8. Make two diagrams of the ark—one, showing its length and width; the other, its length and height. Give measurements in each case, in feet, not cubits.
    9. List the references to time in chapters 7 and 8. How long did the deluge continue? How long was the earth covered? How long did Noah remain in the ark?
    10. What was God’s sign that He would not send another flood of water? (Cp. 2 Pet. 3:5-7)
    11. Of what is the ark a type? (SRB, p. 13, n.3)
    12. What is the College’s view as to the extent of the flood and why?
  4. Pages 11-16
    1. Name the four patriarchs of Genesis 12-50.
    2. Summarize the chief features of God’s covenant with Abraham.
    3. Draw a map (you may copy one from an atlas) of the Bible world. Indicate on it the cities connected with Abraham’s life. By means of a line connecting those places and arrows to show direction of movement, show Abraham’s journeys from Ur to his death at Hebron. (Any Bible atlas has a section on Bible geo­graphy which could be read with great profit. )
    4. Note the time element in the story of Abraham’s life; list them and seek to give Abraham’s age at as many events of his life as possible.
    5. What lessons can be drawn from the origin of the Ishmaelitcs (Arabs, Gen. 17:20) and the Moabites and Ammonites (Gen. 19:37-38)? (These peoples became the ancient enemies of Israel.)
    6. Make an appraisal of Abraham’s character.
    7. a. What sort of a city has archaeology shown Ur to be?
    8. What customs, brought to light by archaeology, throw light on the stories of Eliezcr and Hagar (Gen. 15:2-3; 16:3-4)?
    9. Describe where Sodom and Gomorrah were located in terms of present geography of Palestine.
    10. Of what docs Genesis 26 remind you, and what is the lesson of this reminder?
  5. Pages 16-18
    1. Read Romans 9:6-12. (Do not mix with v. 13 which was said through Malachi 1500 years later.) In your own words tell what this seems to be saying as to God’s selection of Jacob, the second son.
    2. Make another map of Bible lands; trace upon it Jacob’s travels, just as you did Abraham’s.
    3. Learn the names of the sons (and daughter) of Jacob and associate them with their respective mother.
    4. Explain the matter of Jacob’s “wages” in the light of the custom of a “bride-price.”
    5. Laban’s words at Mizpah (31:49) are sometimes considered a benediction. Why would they better be called a “malediction”?
    6. Make a map of Joseph’s journeys.
    7. The phrase “the Lord was with Joseph” is the key to Joseph’s life. List as many facts and events which illustrate this phrase as you can find in chapters 37-50.
    8. Explain how it happened that Joseph was so well received by Pharaoh.
    9. How were crops made possible in Egypt?
    10. In what part of Egypt was Goshen?
    11. Griffith Thomas said of one verse in Genesis 50: “This verse is the Romans 8:28 of the Old Testament.” Which verse do you think he meant?
  6. Pages 19-23
    1. How may the section Exodus 1 to Deuteronomy 34 be entitled?
    2. What dates do we give for (1) the death of Joseph; (2) the beginning of oppression in Egypt ; (3) the Exodus; (4) the death of Moses?
    3. Draw the chart on the books of Moses (p. 20).
    4. Prove from the Bible that three different Pharaohs are referred to in Exodus 1-14.
    5. How old was Moses (1) when he fled Egypt for Midian; (2) when he led Israel out of Egypt; (3) when he died? (Use Ex. 1-2; Acts 7; Heb. 11)
    6. What lesson might be drawn from Moses* age at the time he delivered Israel from Egypt?
    7. List some ways in which Moses* experiences recorded in Exodus 2 helped to prepare him for his life’s work.
    8. Contrast Moses’ attitude when first he attempted to lead his people to freedom (Ex. 2:11 -15; Acts 7:23 -29) with his attitude when God finally called him to the task (Ex. 3-4).
    9. Make a list of the ten plagues, with references.
    10. What relationship exists between the Passover and the Lord’s Supper (Mt. 26:17-30)?
    11. Draw a map, tracing the journeys of Israel from Egypt to Sinai.
    12. Sometimes God uses natural means to perform a miracle. What means are we told God used at the Red Sea (Ex. 14)?
    13. List some of the miraculous provisions for Israel’s life while in the wilderness (Ex. 13:21-22; 15:26 ; 16:15; 17:6).
    14. Name the stopping places on the journey from the Red Sea to Sinai (Ex. 15:22-18:27 ), giving references and stating what happened at each stop.
  7. Pages 23-28
    1. How was God’s holiness shown at Sinai (Ex. 19, 24)?
    2. What are the three divisions of the law of Moses (SRB, p. 95, n. 1)?
    3. Draw a simple floor-plan of the tabernacle and its court, showing where the articles of furniture were placed.
    4. List, with references, the seven principal kinds of offerings to be brought to the Lord by the people of Israel (Lev. 1-7).
    5. What lessons may be learned from the story of Nadab and Abihu?
    6. What lessons are drawn from Israel’s refusal to enter Canaan (Num. 14) in 1 Corinthians 10 and Hebrews 3 and 4?
    7. Draw a map of Transjordan . Indicate the areas inhabited by Edom, Moab, Amorites, Ammonites. Locate the Jabbok, Arnon, and Zered rivers. Locate Pisgah, the Plains of Moab, Heshbon, Bashan.
    8. List, with references, the campaigns fought in Numbers 20 and 21.
    9. Indicate on your Transjordan map the areas occupied by Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh.
    10. What about the finds at Megiddo ?
    11. What is meant by “the Pittsburgh of the Ancient East”? Discuss.
    12. Explain the tendency toward multiplication of wives in an Eastern king’s court and state the effect on Solomon of his wives.
    13. Name the three books by Solomon preserved in our Bible and explain the order of their writing.
  8. Pages 45-55
    1. State at least four important causes of the disruption of the kingdom.
    2. Draw a map showing Judah, Israel, and Syria during the D.K. (Note the difference between Syria and Assyria; they are two different nations.) Show cities which appear in the history, especially border cities.
    3. Draw the chart (p. 46) of the two kingdoms.
    4. Why did the southern kingdom last longer than the northern one?
    5. Discuss the problem of harmonizing the chronology of the D.K.
    6. Distinguish between the false and the true prophet in 1 Ki. 13. Did the false prophet utter any true prophecy? When was the prophecy of 13:2 fulfilled?
    7. Make a chart of the prophets during the D.K. period, noting for each prophet:
      1. When he speaks for a king
      2. When he speaks against a king
      3. When he is injured or killed by a king.
      4. How do you account for the sparse references in the third column?
    8. In what did Baasha’s sin consist? How did God punish him for his sin?
    9. What pattern do you see in the reigns of the first four kings of Israel—in length of reign, and cause and means of their fall?
    10. Note the sins of Rehoboam (1 Ki. 14:22-24). Where earlier in the narrative did you read of such things? What precedent had Rehoboam for doing these things?
    11. What battle did Asa fight against a southern foe? What spiritual lesson may be learned from this story?
    12. List Jehoshaphat’s reforms. Note especially the place of the Scriptures (“the book of the Law”) in the revival which took place in Jehoshaphat’s reign. What lesson do you learn from this?
    13. List Jehoshaphat’s military campaigns, his allies, and nations he fought against; miracles occurring during the battles; outcome of the campaigns.
    14. What “bad marriage” did he engineer and with what effect?
    15. What unsuccessful attempt did he make to imitate Solomon?
  9. Pages 55-57
    1. Write a good’paragraph on the importance of Omri.
    2. Describe Ahab and his wife.
    3. List the events of Elijah’s life. Note how they mostly lead up to or derive from the great crisis at Carmel .
    4. List the military campaigns of Ahab, including the one not mentioned in the Bible.
    5. List the miracles of Elisha’s ministry.
    6. List the rather involved steps by which God’s command to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:15-16 was carried out.
    7. Make a family tree diagram showing the following people and their relationships: Ahab, Jezebel, the two Jehorams, two Ahaziahs, Jehoshaphat, Athaliah. Joash, Jehosheba, Jehoiada.
    8. What would probably have happened to the nation of Israel if the revival of Mt. Carmel had not occurred?
    9. Who slew the kings of both kingdoms?
    10. What was Athaliah’s reaction and how did God thwart Satan’s attempt to destroy the Davidic line? (Ps. 89:30-37)
  10. Pages 57-60
    1. There is no reference in the book of Jonah enabling us to date the prophet. Where is such a reference found?
    2. Remembering that Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire, why would Jonah refuse to prophesy there (Jonah 4:2)?
    3. Glance through Amos and Hosea; list references in these books to the prosperity and injustice of the times of Jeroboam U.
    4. Name Joash’s activities in promoting the revival of true worship early in his reign.
    5. List Amaziah’s religious activities. Would you call him a good or evil king?
    6. Discuss the cruelty of the Assyrian kings.
    7. Name (in chronological relation) any three of them you can from memory with a phrase identifying some outstanding fact concerning each.
    8. Who captured Samaria ? Date?
    9. What was the reason for the fall of the northern kingdom?
    10. What light does the story of the origin of the Samaritans (2 Ki. 17) throw on the N.T. references to them?
  11. Pages 60-64
    1. Study Isaiah 7. How was the virgin’s son a sign to Ahaz?
    2. What does the story about the Damascus altar (2 Ki. 16) indicate as to Ahaz’s religious condition?
    3. List the religious reforms of Hezekiah; describe the revival in his days. Why the emphasis on the keeping of the Passover?
    4. Who was prepared to assault Jerusalem and what did God do for Hezekiah because of his faith?
    5. What was one of the engineering feats of Hezekiah which helped to prepare Jerusalem for a siege?
    6. List some of Manasseh’s sins; what connection exists between them and Israel’s failure to drive out the Canaanites? Between them and Solomon’s sins?
    7. What unique punishment came to Manasseh for his sins (2 Chr. 33)? 17S. List Josiah’s reforms.
    8. Josiah’s is the last great Judean revival before the captivity. Look over the accounts of each of the previous revivals and of this one and evaluate the place that the Scriptures played in them.
    9. Why, according to 2 Chr. 36, was Judea taken captive?
    10. What was the date of the fall of Jerusalem?
  12. Pages 64-69
    1. What light does the book of Daniel throw on the captivity period? This assignment will require at least a sketchy reading of this book.
    2. What light docs the book of Jeremiah throw on the captivity period?
    3. What light does the book of Ezekiel throw on the captivity period?
    4. What: information does Psalm 137 give concerning the Jews in captivity? -Was this psalm written by David? If not, why not?
    5. Describe the fall of Babylon (Dan, 5),
    6. Draw a map showing the Persian empire .
    7. Trace Zerubbabel s descent (1 Chr. 3). What might have been his position if Judea had been an independent nation after the return?
    8. According to the list of the Jews who returned (Ezra 2), which tribes were represented in the return?
    9. Briefly state the message of the book of Haggai; of the book of Zechariah.
    10. How did Cyrus’ policy differ from that. of Assyria in relation to a conquered people?
    11. What do you learn about Ezra s character from Ezra 8:21-23? What lesson can be learned by comparing these verses with Ezra 8:33-34?
    12. Briefly state the contents of Nehemiah’s prayer (chapter 1).
    13. Tell the story of the opposition to Nehemiah’s building of the wall (Neh. 3-6). Show how the opposition grew in intensity and stealth,
    14. Outline the steps In the revival of Nehemiah 8-10.
    15. Outline the story of the book of Esther.
    16. Briefly characterize each of the four main characters in the book of Esther.
    17. What was the condition of Israel in Malachi’s day?
    18. What: were the dates for:
      1. Zerubbabel’s return;
      2. Ezra’s return;
      3. Nehemiah’s return,
      4. Malachfs usual date closing the O.T. period?
    19. Learn and write from memory Malachi 3:16-17.
  13. Pages 69-81
    1. Name and give the dates for the three periods following Malachi.
    2. How did the Persian period close?
    3. Who was Alexander s father?
    4. What about Alexander and Jerusalem ?
    5. What happened at Alexander’s death which later greatly affected Palestine? Why?
    6. Name the rival dynasties of this period who successively controlled Palestine
    7. For what do we particularly remember Ptolemy Philadelphus?
    8. What dates were the Ptolemys largely in control of Palestine?
    9. What dates were the Seleucids largely in control of Palestine?
    10. What was Antiochus Epiphanes called by his contemporaries? Why?
    11. How did he desecrate the temple?
    12. What family rose up to challenge his impious action, what was their surname and what, does it; mean?
    13. For what years was Palestine under its own Jewish rulers?
    14. What went wrong and what people took over control of Palestine?
    15. What emperor was on the throne when Jesus was born?
    16. What were the two chief languages of Mesopotamia and what was their written form called?
    17. Who were the Hyksos and why were they important to the Bible narrative?
    18. How would you connect the god Apis with what happened at Sinai?


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