Understanding The Bible |
a priori | reasoning from causes to effects; deductive; logically independent of experience; not derived from experience; assumed without investigation. From the Latin, "from what is before"; hence, "as far as one knows". |
Ad hoc | Designed for that purpose; specially. |
ad valorem | "in proportion to value". An import duty fixed ad valorem is one established on the basis of the commercial value of the imported item. |
adscripti glebae | being tied to the soil; a serf |
agent provocateur | person employed to detect suspected offenders by tempting them into open action. |
bona fide | in good faith; honestly; sincerely; without deception |
de facto | in fact; in reality; often also, in all but name |
et seq. (sequitur) | literally, "and the following"; |
ex officio | by virtue of one's office |
Fait accompli | Literally, "an accomplished fact". |
Habeas Corpus | literally, "you may have the body". A Habeas Corpus is a legal writ that protects an individual against arbitrary imprisonment by requiring that any person arrested be brought before a court for formal charge. If the charge is considered to be valid, the person must submit to trial; if not, the person goes free. When the law is suspended, then individuals can be imprisoned indefinitely and without charge. |
Laissez faire | Literally, "leave things alone". This phrase is used to describe a variety of government policies but at this time was used to mean that the government should not interfere in the economy of the country. |
Latitudinarian | broad-based: a term applied to the Church of England's attempt to frame a set of beliefs that would allow a wide range of denominations to subscribe to the Anglican faith |
Libel | published statement damaging to a person's reputation; accuse falsely and maliciously. |
quinquennial | Every five years |
nolentes aut volentes | whether willing or not (willy-nilly) |
oligarchy | a state or country ruled by a very few people |
per capita | literally "by the head"; for each person; individually |
per saltum | effectively "in one fell swoop"; all at once. |
Per se | By, or in, itself; intrinsically; as such. |
philanthropist | A "lover of mankind"; one who exerts himself for the well-being of his fellow man. |
Prima facie | (arising) at first sight, based on the first impression |
primogeniture | The law of the first-born. Under this law, the eldest son inherits everything on the death of his father. |
qui pro quo | qui pro quo referred to any copying mistake made by a scribe |
quid pro quo | something for something -
nothing in life is free.
Quid pro quo (Latin for
"something for something") indicates a more-or-less equal exchange or
substitution of goods or services. English |
sic | "thus" - roughly translated "I know that the spelling is wrong, but that was how it appeared in the source". |
sinecure | any job or post that carries a salary but has either very little, or no work attached to it. |
Sine qua non | Indispensable condition or qualification; a pre-condition |
Status quo | The previous situation of affairs; an unchanged position. |
Status quo ante bellum | the situation as it was before the war (usually meaning the French Wars, in this web site) |
treason | violation by subject of his allegiance to sovereign e.g. compassing or intending sovereign’s death, levying war against him or adhering to his enemies. |
Une condition sine qua non | means "a condition without which what you describe is impossible". |
Verbatim et liberatim | word-for-word and freely (extensively) |
via media | literally "the middle way", usually applied to the Church of England [Anglican Church] which sought to be so broad-based (latitudinarian) that it encompassed almost all Christian beliefs other than those of the Catholic Church and the extreme Protestants such as Anabaptists and Unitarians |
videlicit | namely; "it is permitted to see"; "to wit". Commonly abbreviated to viz. |
viz | namely; like this. |