Understanding The Bible |
E. Clifton, 1
Dr. Glen E. Clifton, D. Min.
About the Author
Dr. Glen Clifton is a graduate of Baylor University with a B.A. Degree, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters Degree in Education, and received his Doctor of Ministries Degree from Louisiana Baptist University.
Brother Glen surrendered to the ministry when he was a teenager in Junior College, and pastored his first church while attending Baylor when he was 19. He has pastored churches in Texas, California (twice), and Mississippi. Most of the churches he pastored led their Associations in baptisms, per-capita growth and mission giving. Brother Glen also founded and pastored Lake Community Baptist church south of Tyler in East Texas.
The booklet "What All Christians Should Know," (which includes "How to Live the Successful Christian Life") was written while he was pastor of the fast growing thirst Baptist Church of Eustace, Texas. In this small rural community, F.B.C. baptized over 150 in three years, placing it in the top 1% in the Southern Baptist Convention. The church almost tripled in attendance during his eight and one half year pastorate there.
1. From March until October 1, 2006, Dr. Clifton had been preaching at King's Baptist church in Vero Beach, Florida, where he had been serving as Interim Preacher for about several months. Dr. Clifton and his wife Dee, have been retired to Florida for 4 years. He has been kept busy preaching up and down the Treasure coast since he moved here. He can be contacted for speaking engagements at (772) 336-3992.
Return To:
All Christians Should Know" (Bible Resources)
"How to Live the
Successful Christian Life" (Bible Resources)
"The Eagle Christian"
"Is Jesus Lord of Your
Life?" (Topical)
"John 3:16, God's Love
letter to Mankind" (Topical)
"Running the
Race of Life" (Topical)
"Finding God's
Will in Your Life" (Topical)
"Grab a Rope" (Topical)
"I'm Wounded... Don't
Shoot Me Again! (Topical)
"Don't Die On Third
Base" (Topical)
"Is Your Church
Prepared for the Future?" (Topical)
"The Gospel of Hope"
"When Good Men Do
Nothing" (Topical)
"The Missing
Doctrine in the Modern Church of America" (Topical)
Joseph, and the stress of it all" (Topical)
"Can We Believe the Virgin
Birth?" (Topical)
"Resolutions for a
Happy New Year" (Topical)
"The Triumphant
Church" (Topical)
"The Touch of the
Master's Hand" (Topical)