Chapter Studies


"What You Have, Why You Have It, and Your Responsibility through it"

What You Have
Chapter One

I. The Address 1:1
II. The Triune Blessing 1:3-14
III. Paul's Prayer List for Every Believer 1:15-19a
IV. The Workings of God's Might In Christ 1:19b-23

Why You Have It
Chapter Two

You Were Dead, and Among the Dead Without Christ 2:1-3
II.  But Now God made You Alive Together With Christ 2:4-12
III.  But Now You Are Brought Near In Christ  2:13-22
The Manifold Wisdom of God Made Known
Chapter Three

I. The Mystery Revealed 3:1-12
II. Paul's Request 3:13
III. Paul's Prayer 3:14-19
IV. Paul's Benediction 3:20-21

How You Respond: Walk Worthy
Chapter Four

I. Walk Worthy - In Unity 4:1-6
II. Walk Worthy - According to the measure of Christ's Gift 4:7-10
III.  Walk Worthy - In the Fullness of Christ 4:11-13
IV. Walk Worthy - Not as the world 4:17-19
V. Walk Worthy - Being Renewed 4:20-24
VI. Walk Worthy - Speaking the Truth 4:25
VII. Walk Worthy - Kind, Tender, Forgiving 4:26-32

Walk Worthy - Imitate God - Being Subject to One Another
Chapter Five

I. Imitate God 5:1-14
II. Walk wisely knowing the Will of the Lord 5:15-20
III. Be Subject to One Another 5:21
Wives in subjection to husbands 5:22-24
V. Husbands in subjection to wives 5:25-33

Walk Worthy - Imitate God - Being Subject to One Another, Continued
Chapter Six

I. Children in subjection to fathers
And Fathers in subjection to children 6:1-4

Walk Worthy - Umitate God - Masters and Slaves (servants)

II. Slaves in subjection to masters 6:5-8
III. Masters in subjection to slaves 6:9

Walk Worthy - Be Strong in the Full Armor of God

I. Be Strong and Stand Firm 6:10-14a
II. With Truth 6:14b
III. With Righteousness 6 :14c
IV. With Preparation 6:15
V. With Faith 6:16
VI. With Salvation 6:17a
VII. With the Word of God 6:17b
VIII. With Prayer 6:18-20

Paul's Salutation
Chapter Six :21-22

Paul's Benediction
Chapter Six 6:23-24



The Book of Ephesians, Bible Study, J. Deering,, study materials are a ministry of, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers, providing that no charge is made for them.  No further distribution or use of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law without the express permission of ©2009, All rights reserved.
