EPHESIANS Chapter 1:3-6
"The New Creation Work Of God The Father"


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J. Deering,

The Book of Ephesians



Here’s a quick overview of the chapter titles from Dr. MacCorkle’s book, “God’s Special Secret.”


 Chapter 1 – The Church As the Body of Christ

Chapter 2 – The Church As the Temple of Christ

Chapter 3 – The Church As God’s Top Secret

Chapter 4 – The Church As the New Mankind

Chapter 5 – The Church As the Bride of Christ

Chapter 6 – The Church As the Army of Christ


It is important to remember that God the Father planned and executed His will in providing a way of choosing a human people to be His Children. His love for us is amazing – especially when we consider the enormous cost to God Himself. The Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit persons of the One Godhead, all willing to be unanimous in yielding the life of God the Son, in order to bring about – and complete this wondrous plan for the Salvation of men, women and children who would willingly and voluntarily choose to believe it and take part in it as those set-apart ones making up “The Body of Christ.”


Dr. MacCorkle’s insights are at the highest levels – seeing God’s works through the imagery of the “Body of Christ,” the “Set-Aside” people of God, selected by God the Father through their belief and faith in the sacrificed and risen Lord Jesus Christ.


On a much lower level of imagery…


Chapter 1 – What You Have.
Chapter 2 – Why You Have It.
Chapter 3 – The Manifold Wisdom of God Made Known.
Chapter 4 – Hou You Are to Respond: Walk Worthy
Chapters 5 & 6 – Walk Worthy, Imitate God, Be Subject to One Another


RECAP of Lesson 02:       


Introduction to The Book of Ephesians (Lesson 1):

The Church As the Body of Christ – “The Father’s Glory”

The Christian Salutation, 1:1-3 (Lesson 2)

"The Author and his Authorization" (Eph 1:1a & b)

The Author: The Apostle Paul –

His Authorization: Called by The Lord Jesus, by the Direct Will of God the Father


The Addressees and Their Address (Eph 1:2a)

This letter was written (primarily) to the Church in Ephesus, Anatolia. The letter was also circulated around the churches on the trade routes of Anatolia (now Turkey).


The Believer's Assets: (Eph 1:2b)

Grace and Peace by and from God the Father


A quick look at Prepositions and their use in the Bible.


"Do Not Hinder Blessing God The Father" (Eph 1:3)


In the previous class we spent our time mostly on the importance of understanding that the chapters that follow, and all the blessings and spiritual destinations there, are the work of our loving heavenly Father God. “God The Father’s Spiritual Gifts.” In His eternal plan His Son (Jesus, the Messiah, now Lord and King of all earthly affairs) would voluntarily, at the Father’s request, come to earth as the Lamb of God (with reference to the Old Testament animal sacrifices that pointed to the Messiah) and willingly sacrifice His human life at the Cross for the permanent and eternal forgiveness of the sins against the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of those who would willingly believe with their heart, mind, and soul, in Jesus as The Christ. The Father has done this because of His love of you and I who have found, believed, and worshipped as God, His Son.


Paul states that the blessings are from the Father as a result of His work in Christ Jesus on our behalf. This is no small matter. The Father is ultimately responsible for every good gift that has been given to us through His son. We should be continually praising the Father, not only for the whole of creation, but for that special work that has been done on our behalf through the Son.


We then looked at those who would be the recipients of this, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Many unsigned copies of Paul’s letter were in existence because it was sent to a great number of Christian churches across the eastern European and western Asian countries.


We also found that the content of this letter was produced as part of Paul’s reporting of his meeting before the Roman Caesar in efforts to “legitimize” (make legal) the existence of the then new Christian Church movement and the people’s right to worship.


I am particularly thankful that I have copies of Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle’s wonderful exegetical book on Ephesians, “God’s Special Secret.” We will be often reliant upon his remarkable exegetical translation of the text. His in-depth understanding of the biblical text will help us have a deeper understanding of the translations we choose to use for our own studies.





Lesson 03 - The Composition of Christ’s Church, 1:3-6
“The New Creation Work of God The Father”

       1. Do Not Hinder Blessing God The Father, 1:3a
       2. God The Father’s Spiritual Gifts, 1:3b


3 [You]

       Let the God and Father

              of our Lord Jesus Christ

              be highly acclaimed [blessed] –

                     Whose favor endowed [blessed] us

                           by the Spirit

                           with every spiritual asset

                           in the Heavenlies

                           in Christ.




We are covering verse 1:3 for a second time. The whole book of Ephesians is written around how God the Father has done these things for us out of His love, mercy and Grace.


I have added the word “You” here so that you would know that in the Greek language the subject is most often embedded in the verb. So, in this case, “Let be highly acclaimed” has the participle indicating a singular “you” is being addressed. That means that Paul meant for the reader of his letter, as a singular individual, was to “highly acclaim” the God and Father of our Jesus Christ, the “anointed one.”


“The One customarily described as the first Person of the Godhead is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” [1] This is the full title and name of God the Father in the Bible. There is only one God, (Eph. 4:6, One God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all).


The most important word here is “Father.” This person of the Godhead wants us to identify Him as Father to His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout both Testaments it should become obvious that His intention is that all those who love and worship Him should know God as Father. However, The Father’s relationship to His Son, Jesus, is an incomparable relationship to any other father/son relationship. Almighty God and His God/Son.


What is so surprising and absolutely wonderful about this relationship is that the Father has invited all those who believe (love and worship him (the Son) with their heart, mind, and soul) are likewise invited to become both adult mature brothers to His Son and absolute adopted Sons of His. We become not just positionally sons and brothers, but adopted members of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit’s immediate physical family, with an eternal destination and belonging.


In the NASB we see the word Blessed as the first word in verse 3. The Greek word there literally means highly acclaimed. The Greek word is where we get our word eulogize – to speak highly of.


3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3),


Paul goes on to use the word twice more in this verse. He is to be highly acclaimed by us, because He has highly acclaimed us by giving unto us every highly acclaimed blessing, gift, endowment, possible in the dwelling place of God the Father, IN CHRIST – as a result of what Jeus Christ has done for the Father in becoming the spotless Lamb of God, sacrificed for those who would believe.


Let us not miss the word us.” The us is a corporate word, every member of the Body of Christ – past, present, and future – is the receiver of these amazing blessings. And we don’t want to skim over the word “every.” The word indicates that no individual blessing available from God the Father in the heavenly realm, is left out of His blessings placed upon each one of us as believers. Even if you dig down in the archives of heaven for blessings bestowed… “every” means “every” blessing.


MacCorkle makes a great point here –every believer has already been blessed with all these blessed assets.” [2] We can look back historically and see that great “day of Pentecost,” when God unleashed His Holy Spirit upon the body of Christ. God withheld nothing. He put it all on the line for us to take. It is not a matter of waiting until we die to get what He gave. Please, go over each of these spiritual items fully and appreciate every nuance you can find in these wonderful gifts.


Through belief we become members of “The Body of Christ,” the assembly of men, women, and children who have placed their absolute trust in the salvation provided by the death of His executed Son who came to earth to free “His people” from sin – forever.


When I was just out of high school my very closest friend, Jonathan, was accidently killed in an automobile accident. I loved Jonathan. We were part of each other’s lives, and we did everything together… and he was suddenly gone. At the wake Jonathan’s dad grabbed me and hugged me and said, “You loved my son, now you are a member of my family.” It still brings tears to my eyes.


And yes, there it is, becoming a member of God’s family, because I love The Father’s Son.


Before we delve into the next verse, I want to re-acquaint us with “positional truth.” We are going to see a list of truths in the following verses that are all “positional” in nature.


In the last lesson we looked at a Prepositional Chart and we were encouraged to “visualize” what each preposition means. We created a “sphere” of prepositional space in our minds (or at least I hope you did). There was IN, and what it means to go from out to in. INTO, what it means to go from out… and go into a space. And once into a positional space there are features and responsibilities that go with each “space.” Each of the prepositions are “positional” in nature.


When we were growing up, a parent might have sent you to your room for some difficulty. You physically moved from where you were to your room. That’s a physical positional truth. There are also non-physical positional truths. Your parent probably also said, “Now, your really in trouble!” Trouble is not a physical place. But being “IN trouble” is a positional truth. So, as we discuss these spiritual and heavenly truths we need to see them as positional truths. They are positions God places us into that are, at least temporarily, non-physical.




Lesson 03 - The Composition of Christ’s Church, 1:3-6
“The New Creation Work of God The Father”

       1. Do Not Hinder Blessing God The Father, 1:3a
       2. God The Father’s Spiritual Gifts, 1:3b

              Election 1:4


1:4 (Mac)

[Accordingly], He [the Father]

       did all this

       in keeping with the fact that He

       selected [chose - elected] us for Himself,

              in Christ,

              before the foundation of the world –

              intending us to be in His presence:

                     holy and faultless people before the Father,
                            characterized by godly love,



The first Greek word in verse 4 (accordingly) indicates that the blessings of verse 3 are the subject of verse 4 and beyond. Here, Paul begins his list of some of the most important Spiritual blessings from the list of “every.”


Our sentence subject is God the Father, our verb, past tense, “did.” Paul is focusing us upon The Father’s blessings. We’ll have the human response to this list as blessings focused upon US, but they are not focused upon us, the focus here is upon God the Father and His blessings given. The reason for His focus being not upon us, is because of His Son’s sacrifice in order to provide these gifts.


Paul’s first revelation is that The Father God selected us for Himself.


“For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their salvation [Jesus] through sufferings.” (Hebrews 2:10)


Then, The Father God selected us in Christ.
We were not selected because of any self-importance we find in ourselves. The Father chose The Son, and in choosing Him chose us. 2 Peter 2:4-9 is a wonderful list of all those The Father did not choose.


“And [you] coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For this is contained in Scripture: Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, And he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.” This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, “The stone which the builders rejected, This became the very corner stone,” and, “A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”


We, the selected, elected, chosen, were not afterthoughts. We were chosen before the foundation (creation) of the world. This also sets forth the preexistence of Christ. He is, therefore, not part of creation for He is its creator.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:1-5).


Finally, He, The Father, “chose us to be Holy and faultless people in His presence: characterized by godly love. Intending us to be in His presence which points to three long-range intended results of His selection of us: (1) That we should be holy. (2) That we should be faultless. (3) That we should be characterized by godly love.” [3]





Lesson 03 - The Composition of Christ’s Church, 1:3-6
“The New Creation Work of God The Father”

       “Do Not Hinder Blessing God The Father,” 1:3a
       “God The Father’s Spiritual Gifts,” 1:3b

       “Elected” 1:4

       “Predestined” 1:5


The Father:     Having predestined us

                            to be positioned legally [predestined]

                            as His [adopted] adult sons

                            to Himself

                            through the mediatorial work

                                  of Jesus Christ,

                            in line with what pleases His will,



Before we delve into this verse let me share with you an analysis of the actual Greek text. I won’t actually write down the Greek text, but I will write down the analysis of its words.


“Before-seeing (designating-beforehand) us into (the) son-placing (place of a son) through the Anointed (Christ) Jesus into Him (The Father) according to the well-seeming (delight) of His (The Father’s) will.” [4]


There has been so much discussion by so many Christian sects concerning “predestination.” Some even refuse to legitimize evangelism based on their understanding of these words. In reality, it’s a great way to avoid evangelism because you find it uncomfortable.


Since Scripture cannot contradict itself (that which is God’s word, not those places where lies are recorded), we certainly can never dismiss the words of Jesus throughout the New Testament, and especially…


“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).


“Our lives were not arranged either by a snap judgment or left to fate. How we end up was decided before we started out. It is easy to sense here that God never begins what He doesn’t finish. The Greek word literally means to mark out on the horizon ahead of time.” This is done so that we can clearly see, in advance, how God’s workmanship will come out. It also allows us to see how far back our heritage goes.” [5]


Then there is “legally positioned as an adult son.”


“In order to shape us, God has placed us in the legal position of a mature son with all the privileges pertaining to it. Adoption, by God, opens the door immediately to the wealth of God vested in our inheritance. He adopted us to Himself because He wants us for His very own to nourish us and care for us through time and eternity. The glorious fact is, a believer as an heir, is free to use the spiritual riches of God’s grace from his or her first day as a saved person.” [6]


Jesus is our mediator. Christ is the only mediator between God and man. As High Priest, He offered Himself as the substitutionary sacrifice for sin and sin’s replacement by righteousness in the believing life. The believer’s legal position has been made equal to Christ’s both before God and before man. Christ died in order to effect it.


“For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him” (Romans 8:15-17).


Yes, and all of this is what God finds pleasing to His will!





The Composition of Christ’s Church, 1:3-6
“The New Creation Work of God The Father”

       “Do Not Hinder Blessing God The Father,” 1:3a
       “God The Father’s Spiritual Gifts,” 1:3b

              “Elected” 1:4

              “Predestined” 1:5

       “To the Praise of His Glory!” 1:6


"The Father: His ultimate purpose

                     is an acclamation of His grace’s glory

                            which He [freely] lavished upon us

                                  in the beloved One, Jesus Christ."



Dr. MacCorkle’s translation supplies us with words that articulate greater meaning for the deeper study of God’s Word. Backing away from our common understanding of words used in many translations, MacCorkle digs deeper in following ultimate meanings of what matters Paul speaks to in his letters.


Many have the understanding that the Bible is just the history of the Jewish people, with the New Testament added on to the end. But the story is so much larger.


The book begins at the beginning. Where the universe is made, where the earth is made, and where man is made. Those three elements are central to the whole book. Man is placed on this earth far out on a spiral arm of a very distant galaxy in the middle of nowhere. God has done this for a remarkable purpose through the testing of good and evilfor the gathering of a godly people who will become His chosen children forever.


Test #1

He starts with the race of men building and growing in a world where man can walk with God… or he can walk with the evil one or just live for himself. After many generations, all moving away from walking with God – until there are only a handful of believing men and women… and that test comes to a completion and all but the few are removed from the earth. Failure of the human race.


Test #2
After the earth regains a human population, God calls a man named Abram who believes God and follows after His words. God choses Him to begin a nation of “chosen people,” who begin as Hebrews and eventually become known as Jews. God promises them a “Promised Land,” a kingdom that will reflect the love of God with them – and after centuries of rebellion and discipline, they put God’s Son on a cross and put Him to death. Again, utter failure of the human race.


Test #3

The Son of God is resurrected, and His band of close followers are called upon to establish an “assembly” of believers known as The Church. The Church moves its way through history, winning and losing. As the world population grows millions and millions of people come to Christ – and billions and billions follow themselves or the evil one, apart from Christ. The day will come when this test is completed and once again the earth will be cleaned, leaving only belief behind.


Test #4

The promised Kingdom of God will be established on earth with Christ as it’s King, the Nation of believing “Jews” will be established again, and all those believers of the New Testament will be there too. And after a thousand years, humanity will fail their God again and then final judgment. Believers will be ushered into a heavenly spiritual existence forever, and non-believers will be ushered into a place of eternal punishment in a place where God is not.


Four tests of mankind – so that no man or evil spiritual entity can ever say of Him – He didn’t do enough. He, The Father, He, The Son, and He, The Holy Spirit will have done absolutely everything in the process of choosing those who would become the human family of God for all of eternity.


As I understand it, that’s a brief summary of why we are to praise, acclaim, esteem, hail, proclaim, and so many words to the Glory of God the Father in the accomplishment of His ultimate purpose of His GRACE – which He has LAVISHED upon us who believe in His Well-Beloved Son, Jesus, the King, the Christ.




Look at the question and ignore the answer. Then study the answer!


(1:3) (MAC)
[You] Let the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be highly acclaimed [blessed] – Whose favor endowed [blessed] us by the Spirit with every spiritual asset in the Heavenlies in Christ.


(1:3) (NASB)

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,"


1.  What does it mean to bless or be blessed?

    Def.: To honor as “Holy.” To be “Highly Acclaimed.”


2.  What are "Blessings?"

    In this verse it is Paul who praises God for the wonderful "blessings" that He has bestowed upon us. These blessings, or good gifts, reflect the holy character of God and His love toward those who believe.


3.  How does one "bless" God?

    Blessing God would be the act of proclaiming His holiness through word or deed. Telling Him and telling the world about His character brings Him great glory.


4.  What is the significance of the fact that we can bestow blessings upon God?

    It is a wonderful thing that we can bless or give blessings to God. His relationship to the believer is a family relationship. God loves to be loved by His children - It bring Him great joy.


5.  Why "Praise to the Father?"

    He is the One who deserves our praise even if He did nothing to or for us. However, He has chosen to place upon His children every spiritual blessing and for that Paul praises Him - and so he should.


6.  Why is "God, the Father," defined as "The Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ?"

    This is God the Father's official title or name. He is the Father in relationship to the Son; He, through His Holy Spirit, is the Father of His Son Jesus; and He is God - God of all, including His Son.


7.  Who has blessed us?

    Specifically God the Father.


8.  Who are the "us?"

    Specifically the believers in Ephesus (or in a larger sense the believers of the Asian church circuit). Generally we can apply these words to all believers by way of secondary application.


9.  How has He blessed us?

    According to this verse, believers are blessed by ALL and EVERY spiritual blessing.


10. How many Spiritual blessings were bestowed upon us?

    ALL (Chafer's list includes 33 biblically defined spiritual blessings)


11. What are "Spiritual Blessings?"

    Blessings that come to us apart from our earthly existence. They are truths granted and proclaimed in the Heavenly sphere and are true whether we acknowledge them or not.


12. Why "in Christ" and not "in Jesus?"

    The emphasis on Christ is an eternal emphasis indicating His office. Pre-incarnate - Deity - God brought blessings through Christ.


 (1:4) (MAC)

4 [Just as] He [the Father] did all this in keeping with the fact that He selected [chose] us for Himself,     in Christ, before the foundation of the world – intending us to be in His presence: holy and faultless people before the Father, characterized by godly love,


(1:4) (NASB)
"just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love"


1.   In verse 4, what is the purpose of the phrase "just as?"
    We could say "in the same manner as." He chose us - in the same manner as He predestined us - before the foundation of the world - and through Jesus Christ to Himself (the Father).

2.   What is God's choosing?
    God reveals Himself as a God who chooses (A careful reading of John Chapter 17 would be beneficial to your understanding of God's chosen relationship to believers).

3.   Who did the choosing?
    Specifically God the Father in this verse, does the choosing - again, according to John 17 the Father chose some to give to the Son.

4.   Whom did He choose?
    The scriptures tell us that god chooses those who willingly and freely decide to believe upon His Son, however, it also teaches that His choice of them is not based upon whether or not they will choose Him. It is a mystical relationship that is beyond common logic.

5.   What does it mean to be "chosen?"
    Picked out, set aside, hand selected.

6.   In what "sphere of operation" were they/we chosen?
    A sphere of operation is a three dimensional area where time, place and responsibility come together. In this case the "Sphere" is "In-Christ." If you are In Christ you are in a specific time, place, and certain responsibilities pertain.

7.   When did this choosing take place?
    Before the foundation of the world.

8.   When were the "foundations of the World?"
    Before the creation of things that we can know, touch, and feel. Before the creation of our known universe.

9.  Why were we chosen?
    That God would have a people who believed in and loved Him by their own free will, that we should be called by Him "Holy and Blameless" being able to stand in His Holy presence.

10.  What does the word "that" refer to?
    Means or Result. He proclaimed us to be His and to be Holy and Blameless before Him.

11.  Who is the "we?"
    Those whom He has chosen, those who have been called, those who have chosen to believe in His Son by their own free wills, believers.

12.  Define the use of "should be" here.
    The word "should" here does not indicate that there is an alternative. A better word choice "would be." Those who are chosen are destined to be Holy (set apart unto God) and blameless (proclaimed blameless).

13.  Define "Holy and Blameless"
    Set apart, like Him, without blame, guiltless, able to be in God's immediate presence without fear, found to be acceptable by God.

14.  How does a person become "Holy and blameless?"
    The believer has been chosen to be proclaimed holy and blameless (just as in a court trial the judge proclaims you innocent of the charges against you - it doesn't mean that you didn't do the crime - the judge proclaims you innocent). By proclamation those whom God chooses are made holy and blameless.

15.  When does a person become "Holy and blameless?"
    Before the Foundation of the World. Made possible by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. It is applied immediately upon belief.

16.  Where does this "Holy and blameless" take place?
    Before (immediately in front of) God the Father.

17.  How long is it effective?
    As long as God is.



(1:6) (MAC)

6 His ultimate purpose is an acclamation of His grace’s glory – which He [freely] lavished upon us in the beloved One, Jesus Christ.


(1:6) (NASB)

"to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved."


1.   Praising what?
    The glory of God the Father's Grace.

2.   How was it given?
    Freely bestowed.

3.   What "sphere of operation" made it possible?
    "In The Beloved", In Jesus Christ.

4.  Why is He "Beloved?"
    Jesus is the Son of God in a familial relationship with His Father. He is the object of much more love.

[1] MacCorkle, Douglas B., God's Special Secret, 1993, MBM Books, Cocoa Beach, FL., p. 29

[2] MacCorkle, Douglas B., God's Special Secret, 1993, MBM Books, Cocoa Beach, FL., p. 30

[3] MacCorkle, Douglas B., God's Special Secret, 1993, MBM Books, Cocoa Beach, FL., p. 34

[4] Interlinear Scripture Analyzer app. Eph. 1:5

[5] MacCorkle, Douglas B., God's Special Secret, 1993, MBM Books, Cocoa Beach, FL., p. 35

[6] Ibid.



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Jeremiah 18:15
"Don't stumble from the Ancient Path.”

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