Understanding The Bible
Clarence E. Mason's "ESCHATOLOGY 3"


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Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr.
Philadelphia College of Bible


    1. Acts 1:11
      "This same Jesus": identical person "Shall so come": certain event (not a process)
      "In like manner as...": same manner (a corporeal return, not spiritual presence only)
    2. Mt. 24:30-31 (Jews)
      "Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man"
      "Then shall all the tribes of the earth (land) mourn"
      "And they shall see the Son of Man coming"
      "And He shall send His angels with sound of trumpet"
      "They shall gather together His elect from the four winds" (on earth; not in air)
    3. Mt. 25:31-32 (Gentiles)
      "When the Son of Man shall come in His glory and.. .holy angels with Him"
      "Then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory"
      "And before Him shall be gathered all nations" (lit.. Gentiles, cp. Mt. 6:32)
    4. Mt. 23:37-39 (Israel)
      "Ye shall not see me henceforth, till. ,." (three "untils"):
      Mt. 23:39 until ye say: "Blessed is He"
      Lk. 21:24 "until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled"
      Rom. 11:25-27 "until the fulness of Gentiles be come in"
      Until ye say "Blessed"
    5. Rev. 1:7
      "Behold He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him" "All tribes of the land shall wail" (lit.)
    6. Zech. 14:4,9
      v.4 - "His feet (i.e., the Lord's) shall stand.. .upon the mount of Olives" v.9 - "The Lord shall be King over all the earth"
    7. Zech. 12:10
      "The inhabitants of Jerusalem, , .shall look upon me whom they have pierced"
    8. Titus 2:13; 2 Thes. 1:7-8,10
      The two aspects of His coming are shown here as elsewhere:
      First aspect: Blessed hope (appearing)
      Second aspect: Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, . .in flaming fire. . .when He shall come"
    1. The manifestation of the Church with Him in glory, Col. 3:4; 1 Jn. 3:2; Jude 14; Rev. 19:14; 1 Thes. 3:13.
    2. The manifestation of Himself to the nation Israel, resulting in a repentant remnant.
      1 Cor. 15:8 "As of one born out of due time" (lit., "before the due time")
      Isa. 59.20-21 "Redeemer. . .come to Zion"
      Hosea 5:15 "1 will return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence" "In their affliction they will seek me early" i.e.. confession of sin (cp. Hosea 6:1-3)
      Mt. 23-39 "Blessed is He": welcome to Messiah (recognition of Messiah)
      Zech. 12:10 Look upon the One "they pierced" (recognition of Saviour)
      Isa. 66:8 "Nation is born at once" (lit., in a day)
    3. Israel's deliverance from tribulation, caused by enemy nations.
      Zech. 12:1 -3 Siege by nations coming against Jerusalem
      4-9 Battle resulting
      "then" "afterward" "before" Zech. 14:1-3; Isa. 34:1-2,8; Joel 3:1-2,9-12,16-17; Joel 2:18,28,31-32
    4. Judgment upon the Beast and the False Prophet.
      Rev. 13 1-10 The Roman Beast
      13 11-18 The False Prophet (some feel he is the Anti-Christ)
      19 19-21 Both of them
      2 Thes. 2:3-12 One or both of them
    5. The binding of Satan.
      Gen. 3:15 First promise of God as to this judgment
      Rev. 20:1 2; Rom. 16:20 Fulfilment
    6. Judgment upon Israel.
      Ezk. 20:33-38; Isa. l:25,28;Mal. 3:1-6; 4:1-2
    7. Judgment upon Gentiles.
      Joel 3:11 12; Rev, 19:15,17-19; Mt. 25:31-46
    8. The deliverance and blessing of all creation.
      Rom. 8:19-22; Ps. 72:16; Amos 9:13 (note context)
      Isa. 11:6-9 (note context); Isa. 65:25
    9. The setting up of His kingdom.
      Dan. 2:44 (God of heaven sets up kingdom); 7:13-14; Lk. 19:12 (to receive a kingdom and return): Zech. 14:9; Isa. 11:1-5
    The purpose of Armageddon is to overthrow the armies of the ungodly nations that are in revolt against God at the time of the second coming.

    Follow the chain of references:
    Ps. 2 - The nations are arrayed against God and His Messiah.

    Isa. 10:28-32
    24:21-23 (2:12)

    Isa. 34:1-8

    Jer. 25:29-33

    Dan. 2:35

    The destruction of Israel's past enemies is a picture of God's future dealing with Israel's enemies at Armageddon.
    Joel 2:1-11

    Obad. 15

    Zeph. 3:9-13

    Time of trouble climaxed by Armageddon
    Zech. 12:1-9

    Mt. 24:27-28

    Rev. 14:14-20

    Armageddon is the culmination of God's wrath against the nations of the earth during the tribulation period, in which they are judged for their godlessness and brought into subjection to the authority of the King. This battle takes place when Christ returns to earth. He smites the armies of the revived fourth (Roman) empire of the Beast and the False Prophet (Rev. 19), and also presumptively the armies of the Kings of the East, which are mentioned for the last times in the same context as Armageddon (Rev. 16:16,12; cp. 9:13-16). (Observe the synonymous language concerning the 6th trumpet and the 6th bowl of wrath in Rev. 9:13-21 and 16:12-16 respectively.) Christ will destroy the Beast and the False Prophet when He descends from heaven, but His feet will touch the Mt. of Olives first (Zech. 14:4; Acts 1:11). After judging the armies upon His return to earth, Jesus will then sit as judge over the civilian populations of Jews (Mt. 24:45-51) and Gentiles (Mt. 25:31-46).
  4. THE BINDING OF SATAN (see H. p. 170, and C, p. 174)
    After Christ destroys the armies arrayed against Him at Armageddon and splits the Mt. of Olives at the touch of His returning feet. He binds Satan, placing him in a "bottomless pit" for the 1000 year period, according to Rev. 20:1-3.

    The first promise of God concerning this judgment of Satan was given in Gen. 3:14;
    cp. Rev. 20:1-2; Rom. 16:20.

    Men have always felt that their evil is attributable to the joint factors of Satan and an unfavorable environment. "I don't have a chance, " they alibi. "If it weren't for the Devil or my circumstances, I would be able to do right. "

    They are wrong. The people living in the 1000 year period will have the most favorable environment conceivable. All outbroken sin will be immediately judged and righteousness will be universal. Also, there will be no outside assault from Satan, who is bound that he might not deceive men.

    However, those who live through the tribulation period and who, because of the faith in the message of God concerning His coming King, enter the Kingdom reign of Christ, will not have received glorified bodies. They will be possessed of old natures and thus their children and the children of their children, etc., born during the 1000 years, will be possessed of old natures.

    Scripture does not say much about it, but some passages necessitate the conclusion that some people will be guilty of outbroken sin and will immediately be judged by the Lord, who reigns with a rod of iron (suggesting firm justice); Ps. 2:9; Zech. 14:16-19; etc. Others will pose as though obedient, but be inward defectors (see Ps. 18:44, where "submit themselves" is rendered "yield feigned obedience" in the ASV, the margin reading, Heb. "lie").

    These will follow Satan at the close of the 1000 year period when he is released. "Out of the heart.. .proceeds evil, " said our Lord. "Sin will out!" This period puts man to the test under the most favorable circumstances, and shows him unable to please God, apart from divine grace. So man's final alibi is removed.
      This might better be called "Resurrection unto Life, "
      Jn. 5:28-29;
      Rom. 8:23;
      1 Cor. 15:20-52;
      Phil. 3:11,20-21;
      1 Thes. 4:13-18;
      Rev. 20.

      It includes all who, at any time, are raised from the dead unto eternal life.
      The order:

      1. "Christ, the firstfruits"
      2. "They that are Christ's at His coming." This includes the saints raised at the rapture and those raised after the tribulation at Christ's return to earth.

      This resurrection must be distinguished from the second resurrection, or the "Resurrection to Damnation, " in at least two features:

      1. Time
        1. The first resurrection is completed before the millennium, Rev. 20:4,6.
        2. The second resurrection is not completed until the end of the millennium, Rev. 20:5.
      2. Result
        1. The first resurrection results in life, Rev. 20:6.
        2. The second resurrection results in death, which is explained as torment and eternal separation from God, Rev. 20:12.
      1. Resurrection for the Church is before the 70th Week
        1 Cor. 15:51-52
        1 Thes. "4:16-17; 5:10;
        and possibly 2 Thes. 2:3, 7-8, if "falling away" of v.3 is rendered "the departure first" (i.e., Church caught up to heaven).
      2. Resurrection is in store for godly Israel (who lived before cross)
        1. The time revealed for it, Dan. 12:1: "At that time, " i.e., after events of chapter 11, closing the 70th Week.
        2. It must be before millennium, for only the saved enter the millennium (five wise taken; five foolish left, Mt. 25:1-1.3).
          This must include the dead who are judged worthy to enter millennium.
        3. It will be before judgment of Gentiles in Mt, 25:31-46, for Israel the "brethren" are seen there already judged worthy.
      3. Resurrection of saved Gentiles who lived before the cross. By inference, rather than direct Scripture, they rise here. They are not in the Church, but rise before the 1000 years, as all 1st resurrection participants are raised by this time, i.e., return of Christ to the earth.
      4. Resurrection of Tribulation saints
        Rev. 20:4. This takes place after the tribulation at the second advent.
    Dt. 30:3-4
    Mt. 25:1-30
    Rom. 11:26-27
    Mt. 24:31
    Ezk. 37:1-14
    Isa. 11:11; 43:5-7
    Ezk. 20:37-38
    1. The manifestation of Himself to the nation Israel and to the remnant. (See Section IX, B, 2, p. 165.)
    2. They will be regathered from all nations into their own land.
      Dt. 30:1-8;
      Isa. 11:11-12;
      Jer. 23:7-8;
      Ezk. 37:21-28;
      Ezk. 39:28-29;
      Mt. 25:37; 24:31
    3. The regathering will be a permanent regathering. Amos 9:15
    4. The regathering is associated with judgment for Israel. Ezk. 20:33-38; Mt. 24:27-25:30
    The Scriptures reveal a number of judgments, each one differing as to time, place, the Judge, the one(s) judged, the basis of judgment, and the result of judgment. The judgments revealed in Scripture are:
    1. Judgment of the Cross (our sins borne by Christ on the cross)
      Jn. 5:24;
      Rom. 5:9; 8:1;
      2 Cor. 5:21;
      Gal. 3:13;
      Heb. 9:26-28; 10:10, 14-17;
      1 Pet. 2:24
    2.  Judgment on the Believer in Chastening (in this age)
      1 Cor. 11:31-32
    3. The Believer's Self-judgment (in this age)
      1 Jn. 1:9;
      Ps. 32;
      Ps. 51;
      Lk. 15:18-19
    4. Judgment of the Believer's Works (at the Judgment Seat of Christ in heaven)
      Rom. 14:10;
      1 Cor. 4:5;
      2 Cor. 5:10
    5. Judgment on the Nation Israel (on earth, after Christ returns to earth)
      Ezk. 20:37-38;
      Mt. 24:27-25:30;
      Zech. 13:8-9
    6. Judgment on the Nations (or better, Gentiles) (same time as 5)
      Mt. 25:31-:46;
      Joel 3:11-16
    7. Judgment on the Fallen Angels (after millennium)
      Jude 1:6
    8. Judgment of the Great White Throne (after millennium)
      Rev. 20:11-15. Those not found written in the Book of Life are cast into the Lake of Fire.
  8. THE JUDGMENT OF THE GENTILES Mt. 25:31-46; Joel 3:11-12 (Judgments #6 & #8)
    Since there is much confusion resulting from equating the Judgment of the Gentiles with the Great White Throne Judgment, a list of contrasts is drawn up to show they can not be one and the same.

    Judgment on Gentiles (Mt. 25:31-46)

    Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15)

    1. No resurrection, but a gathering (Mt. 24:31)
    2. Those judged are living people
    3. Takes place on earth
    4. No books brought out
    5. Occurs when Christ returns to earth
    6. Two classes to be judged, sheep and goats
    7. Some went into the kingdom and some went into punishment
    8. Judge sits on "throne of His glory"
    9. Basis of judgment is "treatment of the brethren"
    10. Coming of Christ is mentioned
    11.  Present at judgment are the Son of Man, three classes of men (sheep, goats, and brethren) and angels
    12. Sentence is pronounced and separation is made before cause of the judgment is made known
    13. No millennial blessing preceding. There is "hunger, " "thirst, " "naked, " "sick, " "imprisonment, " etc.
    14. Judge is designated "Son of Man"
    15. Results in blessed entering Kingdom
    1. A resurrection of all wicked
    2. Those judged are resurrected dead
    3. Heaven and earth have fled away
    4. Books opened
    5. Occurs after a thousand-year reign has elapsed
    6. But one class—the wicked (possible exception--those saved during 1000 years)
    7. No record of any going to blessing, but only to punishment
    8. Judge sits on "Great White Throne"
    9. Basis is their own evil work (and, possibly. Book of Life)
    10. No mention of Christ's coming, for He has been on earth a thousand years
    11. Only God and wicked men are plainly said to be present
    12. No judgment until the books are opened
    13. There is a time of millennial blessing immediately preceding (Rev. 20:5)
    14. Judge is designated "God"
    15. Results in lost being cast into Lake of Fire



    1. Nature will be delivered from the curse of Genesis 3 (Rom. 8:19-22). Crops will be bountiful, crop following crop, with no reluctance of the ground to bear fruit as previously and no hindrance from thorns (Gen. 3:17-19; Amos 9:13-14). (See B, 6, p.ll4;B, 4, p. 174.)
    2. The animal creation will lose their ferocity and be tamed (Isa. 11:6-9; 65:25).
    3. There will be a population explosion (Ps. 72:16). With sickness banned, no wars nor economic factors to kill or curtail life, with longevity restored, many more people will be on earth and many more born. There is no evidence that any people will die from old age in this period, but presumably only under a stroke of judgment (the rod of iron wielded by Christ). The sense of Isa. 65:20, last clause, is that "a sinner dying at a hundred years will be but a child," in proportion to the extended life that will be characteristic of the kingdom age. Evidently people will keep on living through the whole period, unless smitten by Christ during the period, or in the rebellion at the end of the period.
    The God of heaven sets up a kingdom (Dan. 2:44; 7:13-14). In Lk. 19:12, the parable tells of a nobleman who went into a far country to receive a kingdom and return. This is what Christ has done, and He will set up His kingdom upon His return to earth as the smiting stone which becomes a great mountain filling the whole earth.


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(formerly Philadelphia Biblical University, Philadelphia College of Bible.)
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