Understanding The Bible
W. W. RUGH, "Introduction to the Gospels"
Outline Study Guide

W. W. Rugh,
Founder: West Philadelphia Bible School (1913)
Later to become the Bible Institute of Pennsylvania (1939)

THE PLAN Matthew—“The King”
“Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty.” (Isa. 33:17.)


  1. Person and presence of the King (Chs. 1 to 2).
  2. Proclamation of the Kingdom (Chs. 3 to 4).
  3. Principles of the Kingdom (Chs. 5 to 7).
  4. Power of the King (Chs. 8 to 12).
  5. Parables of the Kingdom (Chs. 13 to 20).
  6. Prophecies of the King (Chs. 21 to 25).
  7. Purchase of the Kingdom (Chs. 26 to 28).

God created man to be His companion, co-laborer, and co-ruler. Through Adam’s sin all this was lost to him and his race. Redemption has restored all to every believer. God’s governmental ways, by the presence and power of His Spirit and word makes these things a reality in every believing heart.

The One who is to rule in harmony with God’s will, in a coming kingdom, Is God’s King (Ps. 2:6). When He as born in humble place and manner, He was not received by Israel, but they delivered Him to be crucified. Ignorant that Jesus was the Lord of glory, the princes of this world put Him to death (I Cor. 2:8; Isa. 53).

When the King comes again in power and glory, His rule over Israel and through them over the nations, will bring the promised blessing of Abraham to them and the nations (Gen. 22: 16-18).


THE POWER Mark—“The Servant”
“Behold, my Servant, whom I Uphold, mine elect” (Isa. 42:1).


  1. The Servant tested and triumphant over Satan (Ch. 1: 1-13).
  2. The Servant teaching and touching the needy, delivering them from the dominion of the devil, disease, and death (Ch. 1:14 to Ch. 9:1).
  3. The Servant transfigured, and treading the path to the tomb (Ch. 9:2 to Ch. 14:72).
  4. The Servant “giving His life a ransom for many” (Ch. 15). •
  5. The Servant’s ransom accepted of God (Ch. 16).

A Hebrew servant, who had a right to go out free at the end of seven years, but who loved his master, his wife, and his children became a servant forever by having his ear pierced (Ex. 21:1-6).

Jesus Christ, God’s Son, instead of having His ear pierced, took the “form” of a Servant by taking upon Him a “body,” and all because He loved the Father and us and delighted in the Father’s will to show mercy toward us (Ps. 40: 6-8; Heb. 10:5-10; Phil. 2: 5-8; Hosea 6: 6; Micah 7:18; Eph. 5:2).

No service is too great or too small for this Servant to render to any needy heart (Mark 10:27; 9:23).

Any finger of faith that touched Him or any whom He touched, or any who believed the words of grace and power which fell from His lips, received help from God, because God anointed Him with power and with the Holy Spirit, so that He went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10: 38).


THE PASSION Luke—The Saviour.”
“Unto you is born this day, a Saviour, Christ the Lord” (Luke 2: 11).


  1. The Saviour, the “Seed of the Woman,” predicted and provided (Ch. 1:1 to Ch. 4:13). (Mount of Temptation.)
  2. The Saviour preaching and practicing the grace of God (Ch. 4:14 to Ch. 9:50). (Mount of Transfiguration.)
  3. The Saviour pressing toward the performance of His passion (Ch. 9:51 to Ch. 22:71).
  4. The Saviour pouring out the passion of His heart (Ch. 23). (Mount of Crucifixion.)
  5. The Saviour, the High Priest of our profession perfected (Ch. 24). (Mount of Ascension.)

The Son of God, coming into the world as the “Seed of the woman,” became our “Kinsman” Redeemer, and the “Avenger” of blood (Lev. 25:25; Num. 35:12; Deut. 19:6; Josh. 20:5; Ruth 2-4).

As Son of God, Jesus has the ability and the desire to redeem us, being rich in mercy and love (Eph. 2:4; 2 Cor. 8:9).

Because He is the “Seed of the woman,” a blood relation of ours, He has the right to redeem us, to buy back our inheritance which we lost through sin (Rom. 8:3; II Cor. 5:21).

As our “Kinsman,” the “avenger” of blood, our Saviour has avenged us of Satan, who brought death upon us through sin (Gen. 3: 1-6; Rom. 5: 12; Eph. 2:3; Heb. 2:14).

Our Saviour’s love for us is “stronger than death,” so that He counted not the cost of seeking till He found us and brought us home (Luke 15:3-7).


THE PURPOSE John—“The Son.”
“Unto us a Son is given—the only begotten of the Father” (Isa. 9:6; John 1:14).

Outline (John 16:28.)
Foreword (Ch. 1:1-18).

  1. The Son coming forth from the Father (Ch. 1:19 to Ch. 2:11).
  2. The Son coming into the world (Ch. 2:12 to Ch. 12:50).
  3. The Son leaving the world (Ch. 13 to Ch. 17).
  4. The Son going to the Father (Ch. 18 to Ch. 20).

Afterword—the Word of the glorified Lord (Ch. 21).

The Son of God came to us from the bosom of the Father that He might bring us to the place from whence He came (John 1:18; 17:23, 24).

To bring us into this blessed place, He laid down His life for us that He might take it again and take us with Him into our Father’s presence (John 10:10-18, 27-29).

While here on earth as the “Word made flesh,” He revealed the glory of the Father, and all that is in the Father’s heart and house for every believer. He made known the “New Life” (Chs. 3 to 5), the “New Food” (Chs. 6 and 7), the “New Light” (Chs. 8 and 9), the “New Service” (Chs. 10 and 12), the “New Love” (Ch. 13), the “New Peace” (Ch. 14), the “New Fellowship” (Ch. 15), the “New Joy” (Ch. 16), and the “New Glory” (Ch. 17).

Because of what the Son of God has done for us, we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, and the Father has given all that He has to the Son, therefore all is ours (Ch. 16:15).

By W. W. RUGH, Associate Dean, Bible Institute of Pennsylvania
1418 N. 16th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

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