About AncientPath.net

"The Ancient Path" is a Web based Bible ministry.  Our purpose is to help you with personal Bible study by providing you with free helpful Bible studies, Theology studies, studies in Apologetics, an assortment of reference materials, and the occasional commentary on selected Bible texts.

Serendipity is the word that is used when you are looking for something and find, quite unexpectedly, something of much greater value and satisfaction.  The study of the Bible is full of serendipity.  When looking for a simple lesson to learn or teach, something of much greater value is found in the process.  It is our desire that you find your serendipity often during these studies, either in what you find here, or in your further studies related to these materials.  The Lord will keep on giving if you keep on asking, He will keep on opening the door if you keep on knocking, and He will keep on showing if you will keep on seeking.  We should come to these studies in the Bible expecting to learn new things and find assurance in the ancient things.

Our approach shall be:

Clarence E. Mason's "Bible Notes"

For several years now we have been about the Lord's business by accumulating materials that would enable Christians and non-Christians to have access to under graduate level Bible knowledge.  The materials on this site are presented to fill, what we believe is, the need for every-day lay Christians to acquire a top-notch Bible education.

If you are a regular to this site you know that we have been granted the rights to publish the course notes (Professor's published notes, not personal class notes) of Dr. Clarence E. Mason, B.A., Th.M., D.D.  Dr. Mason was Dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs, beloved professor, pastor, and friend at Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia Biblical University and now Cairn University.  Dr. Mason went home to be with The Lord in January of 1985.  These notes were the backbone of Biblical and Theological teaching at the college until his retirement.

Presented on the MASON's "Bible Notes" thread of menus is the complete 4 year B.S. in Bible degree program as presented in the Mason Notes. These notes are presented as originally formatted:  Introductions, Outlines, Expository Outlines, Notes, and Addendum.  There are, however, no lectures, no tests, or exams.

To help make these "Bible Notes" more useful to the casual browser they have also been attached to each individual study on each book of the bible, Doctrine, Biblical Introduction, and Old Testament History pages found throughout the site.

We are not able to make any offer of a degree or certificate of any kind.  Our presentation here if for your self-help education and edification only.  The site will provide you with the original timeline and course structure.  You and your initiative may partake at your individual comfort level and timeline. If you have questions concerning content or need help in in any way with the materials or the site, please feel free to e-mail us. Please type "AncientPath"  in the SUBJECT line of any e-mail you send to: jdeering@ancientpath.net

Clarence E. Mason
"Bible Notes"


The site is made up of thousands of pages, and very few graphics or pictures (plus Doteasy.com's very fast International Servers) in an attempt to keep the information compact and FAST. The site is not fully formatted for celphones - however, it does work with them.

May you Grow in Grace and the Knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Senior Editor and Bible Studies Author: Jim Deering is married and an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has a wide background (more than 50 Years) in Church related ministries. Both he and his wife are graduates of Philadelphia College of Bible ('76 & '75), now Cairn University, and currently reside in Sebastian, Florida. (Family Genealogy Info)

The "The Ancient Path" Study materials on this website are made available here free and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers, providing that no charge is made for them.  Items that appear as copyrighted materials that are not of our authorship are not to be copied without the express permission the original copyright holders. Every effort has been made to give proper footnote credit for items that are quoted.

"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE,
Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968,
1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1988."

For Questions or Problems with this site
email: jdeering@ancientpath.net
