MacCorkle's Full Outline and Bible Translation Text
From: God’s Special Secret

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(Douglas B. MacCorkle [1])

Dr. MacCorkle’s personal translation is distinguished by a designed slant toward basic exegesis. He intends that a smooth reading style might at times be sacrificed for greater literary accuracy and for the greater prominence of contexts. This makes it a study translation. It is both expanded (includes interpretive helps, and exegetical (explanative) or even an expository (describes and informs) translation. It does not violate an accurate literal understanding of the text. Dr. MacCorkle writes, “We hope all of our alleged biases are clearly stated without apology so that readers may make their own evaluations, under the Holy Spirit and the correlated Word of God….”

I.         CHAPTER ONE - The Church As The Body Of Christ

A.        The Christian Salutation 1:1-2

1.        The Author and His Authorization 1:1a-b

2.        The Addressees and their Addresses 1:1c

3.        The Assets and Their Accreditation 1:2

1 I, Paul, one of Jesus Christ's apostles, through the direct act of God's will, am writing to those set apart people in Ephesus who are believers in Christ Jesus: 2 grace and peace be to all of you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


B.        The Divine Composition and Creation of the Church 1:3-14

3 Let the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be highly acclaimed — Whose favor endowed us by the Spirit with every spiritual asset in the Heavenlies in Christ.


1.        The Major Creation & Election Work of the Father 1:4-6

4 He (the Father) did all this in keeping with the fact that He (the Father) selected us for Himself, in Christ, before the foundation of the world — intending us to be in His presence: (the Father's presence) holy and faultless people characterized by Godly love, 5 having predestined us (by God the Father) to be positioned legally as His (the Father's) adult sons to Himself (the Father) through the mediatorial work of Jesus Christ, in line with what pleases His will. (the Father's will) 6 His (the Father's) ultimate purpose is an acclamation of His (the Father's) grace's glory — which He (the Father) lavished on us in the Beloved One.


2.        The Major Creation & Redemption Work of the Son 1:7-12

7 We keep on enjoying redemption in Him (the Beloved – Christ) through His blood (Christ's blood) — which involves the dismissal of sins — that He accomplished (the Father accomplished through Christ's blood) in a manner matching the wealth of His grace. (the Father's grace) 8 God (the Father) caused this grace to be ours in abundance, in terms of every kind of insight and practical understanding. 9 This was done by (the Father) making known to us the open sacred secret that expresses His will, (the Father's will) that He (the Father) openly purposed to center in Him (the Son). He (the Father) did this in a manner in keeping with what pleases Him (the Father). 10 He (the Father) will head up all things in Christ, in a dispensation appropriate to the fullness of the ages: administering heavenly affairs and earthly affairs — even in Him (the Son). 11 We also, having been predestined, were made God's portion in Him (in Christ), in keeping with the purpose of the One Who (the Father) executes all things in line with the brilliance of His (the Father's) will. 12 His (the Father's) ultimate purpose is that we should bring acclaim to His (the Father's) glory — we who hoped in Christ first.


3.        The Major Creation & Sealing Work of the Holy Spirit 1:13-14

13 You too hoped in Him (Christ) when you heard the word of the truth, the good news about your salvation. When you also believed in Him (Christ), you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. 14 He (the promised Holy Spirit) is the guarantor of our inheritance. His (the promised Holy Spirit) indwelling presence will lead to the final release of His (the Father's) purchased possession. This will bring acclaim to His glory. (the Father's glory) 

C.        The Church as a Complement to its Risen Head 1:15-18

1.        Through Its Spiritual Excitement 1:15-17

15 On account of this triune blessing, I too, having heard of the faith of you all in the Lord Jesus and your godly love toward all the set apart people, 16 never cease giving thanks for all of you, making mention of you when I pray. 17 My desire is that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, would give all of you a spirit of insight and revelation as you gain a clear perception of Him (the Father),

2.        Through Its Spiritual Enlightenment 1:18

18 and that by having the eyes of your hearts permanently enlightened you might begin to perceive three things: first, what hope there is in His (the Father's) calling; second, what wealth there is in the glory of His (The Father's) portion among the set apart people;

D.       The Church is Complementary in Its Secret Power 1:19-21
1.        The Power of Endowment 1:19

19 and third, what extraordinary mega-power is available for us believers — relative to the internal operation of the strength of His (the Father's) might.

2.        The Power of Example 1:20

20 He (the Father) operated this way in the Messiah: first, when He (the Father) raised Him (Christ) from among the dead; second, when He (the Father) seated Him (Christ) on His (the Father's) right hand in the heavenlies,


3.        The Power's Extent 1:21

21 high above every kind of rule, authority, power, lordship, and every title that is named not only in this age but in the one to about to come.

E.        The Church is Complementary in Its Sovereign Resources and the Supply from His Fullness 1:22-23

1.        His Cosmic Headship 1:22a

22 Third, when He (the Father) subordinated everything under His (Christ's) feet.

2.        His Church Headship 1:22b

Fourth, when He (the Father) established Him (Christ), and no other, as Head over all things to the Church.

3.        His Care in Headship 1:23

23 The Church is His (Christ's) Body — the fullness of the One (Christ) Who (Christ) constantly fills these total blessings in all members.


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[1] The Writings of Douglas B. MacCorkle

Dr. MacCorkle's Books and Study materials in this series are made available here free, through the generosity of Judith and Ray Naugle, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers, providing that no charge is made for them.  No further distribution or use of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law without express permission. 

The Outline and Expanded Translation Text presented in this study is from Dr. MacCorkle's God's Special Secret - The Case Paul Argues in the Epistle to the Ephesians, Copyright 1993 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle bible Ministries, Inc. Books, P.O. Box 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932-0909. 

God's Own VIPS,  - How God uses Election, Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification for our good. Copyright 1987 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc., Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909. The complete text of God's Own VIPS is available on this website. 

Prophetic Peaks, Exposition of the Olivet Discourse. Copyright 1968 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Third Printing 1972. Printed by Careers with Christ Press, Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909. The complete text of Prophetic Peaks is available on this website. 

Additional copies of Dr. MacCorkle's books are available from Judy Naugle, 2201 Harmony Hill Dr, Lancaster PA  17601

The Book of Ephesians, Bible Study, J. Deering, AncientPath.net, study materials are a ministry of AncientPath.net, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers, providing that no charge is made for them.  No further distribution or use of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law without the express permission of AncientPath.net. ©2014 AncientPath.net, All rights reserved.


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