EPHESIANS CHAPTER 2 MacCorkle's Full Outline and Bible Translation Text |
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Dr. MacCorkle’s personal translation is distinguished by
a designed slant toward basic exegesis. He intends that a smooth reading style
might at times be sacrificed for greater literary accuracy and for the greater
prominence of contexts. This makes it a study translation. It is both expanded
(includes interpretive helps, and exegetical (explanative) or even an expository
(describes and informs) translation. It does not violate an accurate literal
understanding of the text. Dr. MacCorkle writes, “We hope all of our alleged
biases are clearly stated without apology so that readers may make their own
evaluations, under the Holy Spirit and the correlated Word of God….”
4 On the other hand, since God is wealthy in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were spiritually long dead persons because of those deviations, God made us spiritually alive together with Christ — by grace you now stand in a saved condition —
6 and He raised us up together spiritually with Christ and seated us together spiritually in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. 7 His purpose was that in the coming ages He might demonstrate the excelling wealth of His grace — shown in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace you now stand in a saved condition through faith, and this salvation did not originate with you; it is God's free gift. 9 This salvation was not derived from human works, so that no person may boast. 10 For we are His and no other's masterpiece, having been created by Christ Jesus to do the really good works that God prepared earlier, purposing that we should be occupied with them.
11 For which reason, keep in mind that you were formerly Gentiles in terms of the flesh, being called uncircumcision by those called circumcision: made by hands in the flesh, 12 because in that season you were separated from Messiah, excluded from Israel's State, and ignorant of the covenants based upon the promise, not possessing any hope, and without God's help in the world-system.
13 But right now, in Messiah Jesus, you who were formerly far away have been brought near by the blood of Messiah. 14 For He, and no other, is our peace. He made both categories one organism and having in His crucified flesh dissolved the hostility, that is, having broken down the middle wall of separation, 15 having rendered inoperative the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, He purposed by this action to create the two parties into one new mankind, in Himself — thus making peace, 16 and that He might reconcile them both to God in one Body by means of the cross, having slain the hostility upon it. 17 And having come He proclaimed peace to you who were afar off and peace to those who were near, 18 because through His action we both are enjoying perpetual access by one Spirit to the Father.
19 So then you Gentiles are no longer strangers or outsiders, but fellow citizens of those who are set apart and the immediate family of God. 20 You have been built up on the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, of which Jesus Christ is the head cornerstone. 21 In Christ the whole building, harmoniously fitted together, keeps on growing into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 You too, in Christ, are being built together into a dwelling of God by the Spirit.
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Writings of Douglas B. MacCorkle
Dr. MacCorkle's Books and Study materials in this
series are made available here free, through the generosity of Judith and Ray
Naugle, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers,
providing that no charge is made for them. No further distribution or use
of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law
without express permission.
The Outline
and Expanded Translation Text presented in this study is from Dr. MacCorkle's
God's Special Secret - The Case Paul Argues in the Epistle to the Ephesians, Copyright 1993 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Printed and bound in the United
States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle bible Ministries,
Inc. Books, P.O. Box 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932-0909.
God's Own VIPS, - How God uses Election, Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification for our good. Copyright 1987 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc., Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909. The complete text of God's Own VIPS is available on this website.
Prophetic Peaks, Exposition
of the Olivet Discourse.
Copyright 1968 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Third Printing 1972. Printed by Careers
with Christ Press, Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit
MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909.
The complete text of Prophetic Peaks
is available on this website.
Additional copies of Dr. MacCorkle's books are
available from Judy Naugle, 2201 Harmony Hill Dr, Lancaster PA 17601
The Book of Ephesians, Bible Study, J.
Deering, AncientPath.net, study materials are a ministry of
AncientPath.net, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers,
providing that no charge is made for them. No further distribution or use
of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law
without the express permission of AncientPath.net. ©2014
AncientPath.net, All rights reserved.