MacCorkle's Full Outline and Bible Translation Text
From: God’s Special Secret

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(Douglas B. MacCorkle [1])

Dr. MacCorkle’s personal translation is distinguished by a designed slant toward basic exegesis. He intends that a smooth reading style might at times be sacrificed for greater literary accuracy and for the greater prominence of contexts. This makes it a study translation. It is both expanded (includes interpretive helps, and exegetical (explanative) or even an expository (describes and informs) translation. It does not violate an accurate literal understanding of the text. Dr. MacCorkle writes, “We hope all of our alleged biases are clearly stated without apology so that readers may make their own evaluations, under the Holy Spirit and the correlated Word of God….”


I.         CHAPTER FOUR - The Church As The New Mankind

A.        The Coordination of the Church 4:1-6

1.        The Problem of a Godly Walk 4:1

2.        The Problem of a Godly Love 4:2

3.        The Problem of the Unity of the Spirit 4:3

4.        The Provisions for Coordination 4:4-6

1 I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to live your life in a manner worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all possible humility of mind and gentleness, with stretched out spirit, putting up with another in godly love. 3 Be diligent to preserve t e oneness of the Spirit in the bond that consists of peace. 4 There is one Body and one Spirit, just as you were all called with the one hope that belongs to your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, bone God and Father of all, Who is over all and through all and in all. 6 One God and Father of all, Who is over all and through all and in all.

B.        The Corporateness of the New Mankind 4:7-11

1.        The Rightful Giver 4:7-10

2.        The Right Gifts 4:11

7 But, in addition, grace was given to each one of us in accord with the measure of Christ's gift. 8 It is for this reason He says, When He ascended into the height He led a host of prisoners captive, He gave gifts to men. 9 (But what does 'He ascended' imply? Nothing other than He also previously descended into the lower regions, which are the earth? 10 He Himself, Who descended, is also the One Who ascended far above all the heavens, with the purpose of filling all things.) 11 And it is He Himself that gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastor and teachers.

C.        The Church's Given Goals 4:12-16

1.        Goal One: Teaching The Team To Serve 4:12-13

2.        Goal Two: Training The Team For Stature 4:4-15

3.        Goal Three: Toning Up The Team For Spirituality 4:16

12 The first purpose of this is to equip those who are set apart to do the work of serving, with the building up of the Body of Christ as the goal. 13 This is to go on until we all arrive experientially: first, at the unity produced by the faith and at a thorough experiential knowledge of the Son of God; second, at a complete mankind; third, at our proportion to the stature of Christ's fullness. 14 The ultimate purpose is that we may no longer be mere babes, constantly storm-tossed and borne about by every wind of teaching perpetrated by the trickery of men using this cleverness to further the teaching techniques of error. 15 Instead, dealing truthfully in godly love, grow up into Him Who is the Head, namely Christ. 16 The whole Body causes its own maturing by His means with the purpose of building itself up in godly love, because it is harmoniously framed together and held together by means of the rich provision from every joint in keeping with the proportionate operation of each individual part.

D.       Solving The Problems Between The Old and New Men Defining Communications of the Church 4:17-24 – (The Communications of the New Mankind)

1.        The Negative Experience 4:17-21

2.        The Negative Nature 4:22

3.        The Positive Nature 4:23-24

17 I say this, therefore, and testify in the Lord: you also are to be living your lives no longer as the Gentiles are theirs, with their minds fixed on futile things. 18 Their minds are in a darkened condition, so they stand alienated from the life that concerns itself with God. This was caused by two things: first, the willful ignorance that is in them; second, the insensitiveness of their hearts. 19 Such people, because they are in the condition of being past feeling, have given themselves up to outrageous conduct in order to pursue all kinds of impure activities. 20 But you have not come to learn Christ in this manner. 21 Since it was Him you heard and you were taught in Him, just as the truth is in Jesus — 22 to once for all put away from yourselves your edition of the ancient man (that characterized your former manner of life) which is constantly being corrupted in accord with the cravings that proceed from deceit. 23 Instead, be renewed constantly in the disposition of your minds, 24 and for your own benefit put on your edition of the new man created in accord with God's standards in the sphere of true righteousness and holiness.

E.        Solving The Problems Between Truth and Error In Life

1.        The Positive Experience 4:25-32

2.        Spoken Truth 4:25

3.        Sinless Anger 4:26

4.        Stopping the Devil 4:27

5.        Start Working Hard 4:28

6.        Season The Saints 4:29

7.        Stop Grieving The Spirit 4:30-31

8.        Standard of Forgiveness 4:32


25 Wherefore, having put away from yourselves falsehood, each one of you keep speaking the truth with his neighbor because we are a part of each other. 26 Let yourself be angry and yet don't let yourself sin: do not let the sun set upon your exasperation, 27 neither give the devil an opportunity. 28 Let him who steals steal no more, but rather let him be toiling hard, working the good thing with his own hands, that he might possess something to give to one having a need. 29 Do not let any worthless word proceed out of your mouth, but instead say only what is good for building up where there exists a case of need, in order that it might give grace to those who hear. 30 And stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God by Whom you all were sealed with a view to the day of final redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, passion, wrath, clamoring, and blasphemy be put away at once from all of you, together with every kind of spite. 32 Come to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, as graciously forgiving each other as God also forgave you in Christ.

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[1] The Writings of Douglas B. MacCorkle

Dr. MacCorkle's Books and Study materials in this series are made available here free, through the generosity of Judith and Ray Naugle, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers, providing that no charge is made for them.  No further distribution or use of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law without express permission. 

The Outline and Expanded Translation Text presented in this study is from Dr. MacCorkle's God's Special Secret - The Case Paul Argues in the Epistle to the Ephesians, Copyright 1993 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle bible Ministries, Inc. Books, P.O. Box 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932-0909. 

God's Own VIPS,  - How God uses Election, Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification for our good. Copyright 1987 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc., Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909. The complete text of God's Own VIPS is available on this website. 

Prophetic Peaks, Exposition of the Olivet Discourse. Copyright 1968 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Third Printing 1972. Printed by Careers with Christ Press, Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909. The complete text of Prophetic Peaks is available on this website. 

Additional copies of Dr. MacCorkle's books are available from Judy Naugle, 2201 Harmony Hill Dr, Lancaster PA  17601

The Book of Ephesians, Bible Study, J. Deering, AncientPath.net, study materials are a ministry of AncientPath.net, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers, providing that no charge is made for them.  No further distribution or use of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law without the express permission of AncientPath.net. ©2014 AncientPath.net, All rights reserved.


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