EPHESIANS CHAPTER 6 MacCorkle's Full Outline and Bible Translation Text |
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Dr. MacCorkle’s personal translation is distinguished by
a designed slant toward basic exegesis. He intends that a smooth reading style
might at times be sacrificed for greater literary accuracy and for the greater
prominence of contexts. This makes it a study translation. It is both expanded
(includes interpretive helps, and exegetical (explanative) or even an expository
(describes and informs) translation. It does not violate an accurate literal
understanding of the text. Dr. MacCorkle writes, “We hope all of our alleged
biases are clearly stated without apology so that readers may make their own
evaluations, under the Holy Spirit and the correlated Word of God….”
1 Children, make a habit of obeying your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 'Honor your father and mother,' for this is the first commandment with a promise, 3 so that it may be well with each one of you and so that you may live a long time upon the earth. 4 Fathers, stop provoking your children to anger. Rather, develop them by the training and preventative caution the Lord approves of. 5 You who are in the bond-service role, give obedience to your masters in terms of the sphere of the flesh. Give it with fear and trembling. Give it with singleness of heart, as to Christ. 6 Do not give it with eye service, as men pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing God's will from the heart. 7 Make a habit of serving with a ready good will, as to the Lord and not to men, 8 because you are aware that whatever good thing each man does, that he will get back from the Lord, whether he be a bondman or a freeman. 9 Masters, also, practice the same toward bondservants. Give up threatening since you are aware that the Lord is in the heavens, and there is no partiality with Him.
10 Finally, allow the Lord to empower you constantly in Himself with the full force of His strength. 11 Put on the complete armor that God provides so that you may be able to stand successfully against the strategies of the devil. 12 This is necessary because our wrestling match is not with flesh and blood. It is rather with the rulers, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of this spiritual darkness, with the deadly evil spiritual forces in the heavenly places.
13 On account of this confrontation, take up the complete armor God provides so that you might have the capacity to withstand in the evil day, and having done all necessary things to stand firm. 14 Stand firm then, belted about your waist with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with readiness to go with the good news about peace. 16 In addition to these three, when you have taken up the shield, which is the faith. You will be equipped to extinguish all the blazing arrows of the wicked one. 17 Take up, also, salvation's helmet, and the Spirit's sword, which is the spoken Word of God. 18 Throughout the entire contest pray through the Spirit in all seasons with all prayer and petition. With respect to this praying watch persistently, praying for all the other soldiers.
19 Pray on my behalf also that when I open my mouth, He might give me the opportunity for a message so that I may fearlessly make known the open sacred secret springing from the good news. 20 It is on behalf of this that I am ambassador in a chain, so that I may speak boldly about that secret, as I must. 21 Now Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful bondservant in the Lord, will make known everything about how I am faring in order that you may know the events that have happened to me. 22 I sent him to you for this very purpose that you might come to know these things about us and that he might encourage your hearts. 23 Peace and godly love, along with faith, be to the brothers from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24 May this grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in [His] immortality.
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Writings of Douglas B. MacCorkle
Dr. MacCorkle's Books and Study materials in this
series are made available here free, through the generosity of Judith and Ray
Naugle, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers,
providing that no charge is made for them. No further distribution or use
of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law
without express permission.
The Outline
and Expanded Translation Text presented in this study is from Dr. MacCorkle's
God's Special Secret - The Case Paul Argues in the Epistle to the Ephesians, Copyright 1993 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Printed and bound in the United
States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle bible Ministries,
Inc. Books, P.O. Box 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932-0909.
God's Own VIPS, - How God uses Election, Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification for our good. Copyright 1987 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc., Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909. The complete text of God's Own VIPS is available on this website.
Prophetic Peaks, Exposition
of the Olivet Discourse.
Copyright 1968 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Third Printing 1972. Printed by Careers
with Christ Press, Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Printed in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit
MacCorkle Bible Ministries, Inc. Books. P.O. 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl 32932-0909.
The complete text of Prophetic Peaks
is available on this website.
Additional copies of Dr. MacCorkle's books are
available from Judy Naugle, 2201 Harmony Hill Dr, Lancaster PA 17601
The Book of Ephesians, Bible Study, J.
Deering, AncientPath.net, study materials are a ministry of
AncientPath.net, and may be copied for use in Bible study groups, in limited numbers,
providing that no charge is made for them. No further distribution or use
of these materials is allowable under U.S. or International Copyright Law
without the express permission of AncientPath.net. ©2014
AncientPath.net, All rights reserved.