Lesson 05
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J. Deering,
RECAP Up-To-Now: The Creation of a New People
Lesson 01 - Introduction to Chapter 1
Lesson 02 - The Christian salutation, 1:1-3
Paul, and apostle of Jesus Christ to the members
of Church at Ephesus, Anatolia. Everything you have In-Christ is from the
Father, and you have Every Spiritual Blessing in the Heavenly Places – for
Lesson 03 - The Creation
Work of God The Father, 1:3-6
Don’t Hinder Blessing God The Father!
Consider Every
Spiritual Gift from the Father, In The Son.
Consider Your
Consider Your Predestination.
Consider it is ALL To The Praise Of The Father’s Glory!
04 - The Creation Work of God The Son 1:7-12
We have Redemption In-Christ.
We have Forgiveness In-Christ.
Forever removed from
satan’s Slave Traders.
The Father’s Graceful Gifts are
Lavished Upon Us!
In-Christ the Mystery of The Fathers
Will has been Revealed!
All Things are Summed Up in
In Christ – “We have obtained an inheritance,
having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the
counsel of His will.”
The Major Creation Work
of the Holy Spirit 1:13-14
The Church As the Complement to Its Risen Head,
The Sealing Work of The Holy Spirit
1:13 (MAC)
You too hoped in Him (Christ)
when you heard
word of the truth,
the good news about your salvation.
you also believed in Him (Christ),
you were sealed
with the promised Holy Spirit.
1:13 (NASB)
In Him (Christ),
after listening to the
the gospel of your salvation—
having also believed,
you were sealed
in Him
with the Holy Spirit of promise,
In the previous
lesson Paul uses the term “We” first, meaning his connection
with his early peers. Now he uses the term “You” as he adds his reference to the
Ephesian believers. All were very early recipients of election and exercisers of
the new and living hope, brought forth through Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a
living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an
inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved
in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a
salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:3-5).
Here we see more of the ministry of God's Holy
Spirit. Once you listened to His voice and heard the message of truth (the
Gospel of your salvation) and believed in Christ. At that very same time God the
Holy Spirit came upon you, indwelled you, and you "were sealed" in Christ with
the Holy Spirit of Promise.
A seal is not something the Holy Spirit does, it is something that He is. Ever since Pentecost, when you become "in Christ" you also immediately receive the Holy Spirit. He comes upon you and indwells you. His presence in your physical body is the evidence that you are saved. No man or woman who does not have the Holy Spirit within belongs to Christ.
However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him (Romans 8:9).
The Lord commits Himself to real believers only. The Holy Spirit is the seal, sign, brand, certificate of authenticity, guarantee, or stated even stronger He is the Guarantor of the authenticity of your salvation in Christ and He will hold that guarantee until the "Day of Redemption." It is what He is, not what He does.
It is the work of the Holy Spirit who does the work of conforming believers into the image of God's own Son, Jesus Christ. He enters your life and body and fills you with His presence. His presence in your life and body indicate that you belong to God, you are God's own possession. Someone once said, “Christ has no unmarked sheep.”
But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Paul speaks about “The
Word of Truth.” This is what Paul contended at great length, and thus, so must
we. The Gospel, the Word of Truth is our warrant faith must have to act. This is
what preachers must preach, teachers must teach, and we must offer to a lost
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God
and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His
appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of
season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
(2 Timothy 4:1-2)
This salvation is
provided by Grace and can only be received by Faith
in The Lord Jesus Christ. We are “Sealed” by the authority of
God’s Holy Spirit.
And… Separate from His sealing, we were
baptized (Totally immersed) through the Spirit into
Christ and into the Body of Christ, and the Spirit provides an
indwelling ministry to minister a temple climate
to a believer’s life.
MacCorkle relates this to an advertisement
he received in the mail… (1) “Our seal is a seal of quality on
every component.” (2) “Our seal is a guarantee that everything
will work.” Here’s our ad:
Our seal validates
the purchase by Christ. The Spirit was promised by the
Father. The Spirit came. He is here. He does
not need to come again and again. In summary, this verse puts heavy emphasis on
the Holy Spirit’s work of sealing redeemed humanity.
The Guaranteeing Work of The Holy Spirit
1:14 (MAC)
He (the promised Holy Spirit)
is the guarantor
of our inheritance.
His (the promised Holy Spirit)
indwelling presence
will lead to the final release
of His (the Father's)
purchased possession.
will bring acclaim to His glory (the Father's glory).
1:14 (NASB)
who (the promised Holy Spirit)
is given as a pledge
of our inheritance,
with a view to the redemption
of God’s (the Father’s) own possession,
to the praise of His (The Father’s) glory.
Here is another place
where better words could have been chosen in most translations. It is God the
Father who has given His Holy Spirit as the Guarantor of our
inheritance. (1) He is not a pledge; (2) He is not a printed I.O.U. (3)
He is not a first installment; (4) He is not the first of a host of payments.
(5) He is not an earnest. (6) He is not a shiny coin that reminds us of payments
to come. (7) He is not a token. (8) He is not a seemingly useless item that
temporarily takes the place of something of value. (9) He is not a down payment.
(10) He is not one payment of many mortgage payments paid out over time.
He is the Guarantor of total ownership by God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son. He is the Guarantor of every blessing, of our complete redemption, of our election, of our adoption into the household of God, our predestination to be conformed to the Image of God's own Son. He is the Guarantor of God's inheritance to us - the wealth of God for our enrichment. Nothing is withheld and there are no installments. We are not partially redeemed, elected, predestinated, adopted, etc. We are absolutely and completely redeemed in Christ Jesus by the grace of God The Father.
"If our inheritance is the enjoyment of the presence of God forever, and the Holy Spirit is the guarantor of that inheritance, then the Holy Spirit is God." (John A. Whitmer - Paul's Trinitarian epistles - Bibsac p 247 Vol 115 #459, 1958)
It is important to be aware that the Bible name given to this third person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit… not ghost. He is a person of the godhead and He if you are a believer He is not only your guarantee of your salvation, but also a person of God active in your life – every day, all the time. He lives within each believer. These are the days of our lives to learn that we are joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus said,
“I am come that
ye may have life, and may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
We are God’s purchased possession (1:7) and we belong to God but we are eagerly awaiting God’s release of our bodies.
“And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body” (Romans 8:23).
“This will complete the three tenses through which salvation passes: (1) Salvation from the penalty of sin – past, once for all. (2) Salvation from the power of indwelling sin – going on in the present. (3) Salvation from the presence of a sin nature – future, when we receive the new body and enter into perfection in heaven. This verse puts heavy emphasis on the security of redeemed humanity in terms of the Holy Spirit’s work.” [1]
Just a quick
review of 1:13-14
The Divine
Composition of the Church, 1:3-14
Let the Father Be Highly
Acclaimed, 1:3
The Triune
The Work of The Father, 1:4-6
The Work of The Son, 1:7-12
The Work of The Holy Spirit, 1:13-14
Why was this all done? So that all who would see it would declare that it was “to the praise of the Father's glory.”
The Church As The Complement to Its Risen Head
1:15-18 (Complementary in its Spiritual Perception)
Through Its Spiritual Excitement 1:15-17
Keep notice of the word
"you" in this set of verses. The content of the Book of Ephesians is written to
the plural you. The teachings included in this book are always in the context of
you, as an individual, and as the body – your part in The Body of Christ.
1:15-16 (MAC)
15 On account of this triune blessing,
I too, having heard
of the faith of
you all in the Lord Jesus
your godly love toward all the set
apart people,
16 [I] never cease giving thanks for
all of you,
making mention of you when I pray.
1:15-16 (NASB)
15 For this reason I too,
having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus
which exists among you and
your love for all the saints,
16 do not cease
giving thanks for you,
while making mention of you in my prayers;
MacCorkle tells us that “this reason” looks back to
the former sentence. This connection is of utmost importance to clear
exposition. Paul wants the Ephesian believers to be under the full grip of the
supreme revelation in verses 3-14.”
Paul states that this "Triune
Blessing" (:3-14 “The Divine Composition of The Church”) which the Ephesian
"set-apart" ones have received from God the Father, because of their belief, has
also resulted in their expression of that faith in such a way that it has become
known to Paul in Rome and their needs have reached him in the Roman prison and
he cares about them. Paul says he has heard about their faith and their love
toward all believers.
What a dynamic change for these Gentiles. In the
next chapter Paul will tell them of their former state. They "were separate from
Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants
of promise, having no hope and without God in the world." But God has provided
for them in such a life changing way, through Jesus Christ, that they now have
become shining examples of how believers should express their faith and their
love toward other believers - The indwelling Holy Spirit of God brings with Him
great change in the life. He brings the very character of God into their (our)
everyday lives - "We shall know them by their love."
In Verse 16, Paul literally says that every time
he prays, he remembers them and mentions them to His Holy Father.
When Paul does this, he never ceases to give thanks for their faith. He
often tells his churches in his letters that he prays for them, but here in
Ephesians he makes this habit of prayer personal.
1:16 [MAC]
[I] never cease giving thanks for
all of
making mention of
when I pray.
1:16 [NASB]
[I] do not cease giving thanks for you,
while making mention of you
in my prayers;
Faith and love have touched these Ephesians and that can
only be the ministry of God's Holy Spirit working through them. Their hearts
have been opened up through salvation and their response to the love of God is
to love in return. It would be good for you to take stock of your salvation
experience and reflect on whether you have become a man or woman of Faith and
Love. Do others speak of your faith and your love when they speak of you?
“Pray without ceasing;” (1 Thess 5:17)
Verses 17-18
give us a picture of who the Father is and what He has accomplished In-Christ
for our sake.
1:17 (MAC)
My desire is that
the God of our Lord Jesus
the Father of glory,
would give all of you
a spirit of insight and revelation
as you
gain a clear perception of Him (the Father),
1:17 (NASB)
the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father
of glory,
may give to you a spirit
of wisdom and
of revelation
the knowledge of Him (The Father).
The Church – the Complement
to The Risen Christ
Through Its Spiritual
Excitement, 1:15
Through Its Spiritual Excitement Continued -17
We’ll take verse :17 alone
But alas, we come to those words that tell us that these
believers, while having grown in faith and love, have not grown in other
important ways at the same time. As he prays, it is Paul’s desire for his fellow
believers to be encouraged by praying that they might open themselves up to
allowing God to give them a spirit (a character of life) that is of wisdom, and
that their hearts and minds may be opened to understanding and knowing God, as
He reveals Himself to them.
Paul's prayer does not say, "Father, give
them what they want, give them a new car, give them a new job, a new house,
health, wealth, and happiness." He prays that they might desire God's wisdom and
covet acquiring knowledge of Him. God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This is God's
goal for their (your) salvation."
When Paul speaks about the “spirit” here
in verse 17, we could think of many possibilities of what he means. I take it to
mean your “new” spirit that is the result of your regeneration in Christ Jesus.
Not the Holy Spirit, but your changed and up-graded human new spirit that is
often now at war with the “old you.” This regenerated spirit is encouraged and
motivated by our Father’s Holy Spirit… now that we have been “born from above.”
“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the
Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as
from the Lord, the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:17).
Paul then speaks of both
wisdom and revelation. Wisdom comes from seeing, studying, and consideration of
events and times – it requires paying attention to the world around us and the
people around us. This kind of wisdom is essential in the working out of our
salvation in this world. But Paul also speaks of revelation and that is a
different and much more serious endeavor, for revelation is not a practical
understanding of the world around us. Revelation, as Paul means it, is an act of
God that is withheld from the unsaved – as Jesus said,
“I praise You,
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the
wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants” (Matthew 11:25).
Many hear this “revelation” word and allow themselves to skim over it in their
hearts. But we all must listen closely to God’s words, especially when He speaks
directly to us. For God’s revelation is a gracious self disclosure, especially
because He wants to share all He knows with His Son’s new brothers and sisters.
This is glorious, and He is the Lord of Glory. MacCorkle’s insight is right-on:
“This insight into wisdom makes possible the right application of knowledge at the right time and place—but always in connection more with our knowledge of God than with [earthly] things.” [4]
Then there is the “knowledge,” the
“clear perception” of Him, The Father. This is the result of the change that
comes upon us as we study and investigate God’s Word. It brings about a change
in our minds and hearts that brings forth a new and clear understanding as we
intentionally seek to understand God, the things of God, and His Word… and
within that understanding is the knowledge that it takes work—sometimes hard
work—to change your human understanding of things that are spiritual. It is one
of the Holy Spirit’s ministries to help bring about enlightenment in these
things within the church body. MacCorkle says, “He is an excited God. He will
never become jaded about that over which He is excited, especially since He is
in conquest of spiritual ignorance (within you and His church).”
The Church – the
Complement to The Risen Christ
Through Its Spiritual
Enlightenment 1:18
1:18 [MAC]
and that by having
the eyes of your hearts
permanently enlightened
you might begin to perceive three
first, what hope there is in
His (the Father's) calling;
second, what
wealth there is
in the glory
of His (The Father's) portion
among the
set apart people;
1:18 [NASB]
I pray that the eyes of your heart
may be enlightened,
that you will know
what is the hope of His calling,
what are the riches
of the glory
of His inheritance
in the saints,
The third hope
will be found in the lesson-6 (1:19)
We might call these
verses, “Paul’s Prayer List Part-1.” Here Paul opens up his heart and shows us
his deep affection for these people. His imagery leads to the "eyes of the
heart." His desire is that the path to our hearts be
opened up and the light of Christ cast upon it in such a manner that we
may KNOW something (enlightened). Knowledge is a wonderful
thing - ignorance is NOT bliss. Ignorance leads to abuse, poverty, enslavement,
pain, darkness and here, spiritual darkness concerning the "Hope" of God's
calling and the "Riches" of the Glory that God feels for us who are saints. That
kind of enlightenment comes only with the deep miraculous inward change that
comes as the result of personal salvation in Christ. It is only then that the
Holy Spirit of God can come freely in and open the spiritual eyes. The Ephesians
have had this salvation, but they have not "looked" with their new spiritual
eyes. So, Paul tells them that his prayer is that the Father would send
spiritual "light" to shine upon their hearts so that they may begin to see His
truth and to see the Hope that comes from a personal relationship with the
Father. God's desire is that we would KNOW (Gk gniowsko) the
HOPE of His calling. Paul uses the word for hope that implies a
physical experiential knowledge, like knowing your mother or
father as apposed to knowing math. It is a hands-on kind of knowing. He tells us
that if we allow God's Holy Spirit to enlighten our hearts and we willingly see
those things that He wants us to see then we will be able to experientially KNOW
His hope.
Being "Called of God,” what a wonderful privilege. Hand
selected, chosen “out from amongst all,” richly blessed with all spiritual
blessings and the opportunity to KNOW GOD PERSONALLY. If there is hope, it is
And seeing that there is this abundance of hope, Paul wants these
believers to also see the Riches of the Glory of His Inheritance in them.
Because of what Christ has done at the cross, paying the price for all, in Him,
we become the possessors of all that is the inheritance due to Jesus the Christ
as adopted brothers and sisters. Paul wants us to see this so that this
knowledge might encourage us to grow in-Christ.
Paul literally says that
every time he prays, he remembers them and mentions them to His Holy Father.
When Paul does this, he never ceases to give thanks for their faith. He often
tells his churches in his letters that he prays for them, but here in Ephesians
he makes this habit of prayer personal. Faith and love have touched these
Ephesians and that can only be the ministry of God's Holy Spirit working through
them. Their hearts have been opened up through salvation and their response to
the love of God is to love in return. It would be good for you to take stock of
your salvation experience and reflect on whether you have become a man or woman
of Faith and Love. Do others speak of your faith and your love when they speak
of you?
“Pray without
ceasing;” (1 Thess 5:17)
Paul titles God as “The
God of Glory,” where all glory begins and through whom all glory is brought
forth. This is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. His glory is brilliant –
like in the Old Testament where His glory filled the Temple. MacCorkle says
that, for us in the New Testament, “His Glory lights up the hearts of His
believing people.” His light of glory stands here at the door to prayer.
Here Paul opens his heart and shows us his deep affection for these people. His
imagery leads to the "eyes of the heart." His desire is that the path to our
hearts be opened up and the light of Christ cast upon it in such a manner that
we may KNOW Something. Knowledge is a wonderful thing - ignorance is NOT bliss.
Ignorance leads to abuse, poverty, enslavement, pain, darkness and here,
spiritual darkness concerning the God's calling and Glory. That kind of
enlightenment comes only with the deep miraculous inward change that comes as
the result of personal salvation in Christ. It is only then that the Holy Spirit
of God can come freely in and open the spiritual eyes.
“However, you
are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in
you” (Romans 8:9).
“Or do you not know that your body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you
are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God
in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
The Ephesians have had this
salvation, but they have not "looked" with their new spiritual eyes. So, Paul
tells them that his prayer is that the Father would send spiritual "light" to
shine upon their hearts (be enlightened) so that they may begin to see His truth
and to see the HOPE that comes from a personal relationship
with the Father.
As you read down through verse eighteen again… see that
this is a list of three important things we are to KNOW. Only
the first two will be evident in this verse, the third, knowing God’s Power
through the Spirit in your life will lead us on the larger trail of verse 19… in
the next lesson.
First, God's desire is that we would KNOW
(Gk gn-ow-sko) the HOPE of His calling. Paul uses the word for
hope that implies a physical experiential knowledge, like knowing your mother or
father as opposed to knowing math. It is a hands-on kind of knowing. He tells us
that if we allow God's Holy Spirit to enlighten our hearts and
we willingly see those things that He wants us to see and then
we will be able to experientially KNOW His hope. You are to
KNOW the HOPE of your calling.
“These whom He
predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and
these whom He justified, He also glorified” (Romans 8:30).
Second, there
is the wealth of the Father’s Glory in the “set apart people” the saints (each
individual person in the Body of Christ), the Church. Those who have beheld Him,
His Son, and His Spirit—and trusted Him with their voluntary, willing and
unending faith.
Because of what Christ has done at the cross, paying the price for all, in
Him, we become the possessors of all that is the inheritance due to Jesus the
Christ as His adopted brothers and sisters. Paul wants us to see that, so that
this knowledge might encourage us to continue to grow in-Christ throughout our
Being "Called of God,” what a
wonderful privilege. Hand selected, chosen “out from amongst all,” richly
blessed with all spiritual blessings and the opportunity to KNOW GOD PERSONALLY.
:17 - That the Father of glory may
give to you... and
(a) a spirit
of wisdom,
(b) a revelation in
the knowledge of Him
:18 - That you may KNOW...
(a) what is the HOPE of His Calling,
(b) the RICHES of His Glory, and
In our next lesson we will bring Chapter
1 to a close with, “The Church is Complementary in its Secret Power
(1:19-21), in its Fullness (1:22-23). And in these verses, we
will soak ourselves in the ministries of Christ Jesus as we see Him there with
the glorifying work of His Blessed Father resurrecting Him from the dead, and
seating Himat His right hand in the heavenlies.
Look at the question and ignore the printed answer and answer it yourself. Then, go back and study the printed answer!
The Major Creation Work of the Holy Spirit 1:13-14
The Visible Text
(MacCorkle Trans.)
1:13 (MAC)
You too hoped in
Him (Christ)
when you heard
the word of the truth,
the good news about your
you also believed
in Him (Christ),
you were sealed with the
promised Holy Spirit.
1:13 (NASB)
In Him (Christ),
after listening to the message
of truth,
the gospel of your salvation—
having also believed,
you were sealed
in Him
with the Holy Spirit of promise,
The Sealing Work of the Holy Spirit
In whom, the Father or Christ?
In Christ Jesus.
Who is the "you" here?
Paul was writing to
the individual believers (in Christ Jesus) that were part of the Ephesian (or
Asian) gentile churches. By secondary application these words apply to believers
today as well.
When were you "sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise?"
After listening to
the message of truth (The Gospel of Jesus Christ), and after having believed
upon Jesus Christ.
Consider the flow of the words here:
in Him, after listening, having also believed, you were sealed.
In whom were you sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise?
Sealed In Christ
with the Holy Spirit.
Consider again, when were you sealed, by whom, in whom.
Is anyone who is not in Christ sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise?
How, according to this verse, does one get to be in Christ?
Hearing the Gospel
and Believing in Jesus Christ.
What does the title mean "Holy Spirit of promise?"
God's Holy Spirit
is called the Holy Spirit of promise in this instance because He comes upon the
believer and seals him as the indicator that the individual has been placed
In-Christ (saved, born-again, etc.).
What role does the "Holy Spirit" play in this verse.
He is the Seal of
Promise that God has done what He has Promised in the believer.
Consider God The Father's role in all of this.
Consider God the Son's (Jesus Christ) role in all of this.
Consider God the Holy Spirit's role in all of this.
(the promised Holy Spirit)
is the guarantor of our
His (the promised Holy Spirit)
indwelling presence
lead to the final release
of His (the Father's)
purchased possession.
This will bring acclaim to His glory (the
Father's glory).
1:14 (NASB)
who (the promised
Holy Spirit)
given as a pledge
of our inheritance,
with a view to the redemption
of God’s (the Father’s) own possession,
to the praise of His (The Father’s) glory.
Who is given as a pledge of our inheritance?
God's Holy Spirit.
What is a pledge?
A symbol or gift
given as a reminder of a promise.
What does the phrase "with a view to" mean?
God's Holy Spirit
is given as a reminder of the promise that God will fully redeem what is now His
through Faith in Christ Jesus.
Define "redemption" in biblical terms.
Ephesians 1:7 -
Reference document on "Redemption"
Who is "God's own possession?"
The believer in
Christ Jesus.
It would appear that this redemption is to take place in the future, what
does that mean?
Redemption and
salvation, as well as all doctrines are not complete until the plan of God for
man and our world is complete and finished. Only then can the whole be complete.
This is not to say that salvation, redemption, etc., is in any jeopardy until
then, but all things are not finished until they are finished.
Through Its Spiritual Excitement 1:15-16
15 On account of this
triune blessing,
I too, having heard of the faith of
you all in the Lord Jesus and
you godly love toward all the
set apart people,
[I] never cease giving thanks
for all of you,
making mention of you when I
For this reason I too,
having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus
which exists among you and
your love for all the saints,
16 do not cease giving thanks
for you,
while making mention of you in my prayers;
1. For what previous reason
did Paul pray for the Ephesians?
Verses 3-14
summarize the "every Spiritual Blessing" that God the Father has bestowed upon
every believer at salvation. We have termed this the "Triune Blessings" because
they have been given by the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit.
List the evidence of the Ephesian's faith.
Their faith has become well known
enough so that Paul has heard about it in Rome, as well as their proclivity to
love other saints (believers).
What is the importance of pointing out that this faith is that which is "in" the
Lord Jesus?
Where else would a faith that produces such love
be found? In things? In this world? In the flesh? In Satan? Nowhere but In
Christ can such a Faith and such a Love be found.
What would be the difference in what is expressed "among you," and "for all the
It is the Faith in the Lord Jesus that is among
the Ephesians in such a manner that its expression results in Love for all other
What would have been the relationship between Paul and the saints at
Ephesus based on this verse?
Paul has obviously
been in very close contact with them. He prays often, and when he does, he
remembers them. Not like "I will remember you in my prayers," but "every time I
pray, I remember you and pray for you." The assembly at Ephesus must have been a
praying assembly for when Paul prays, he remembers them.
Should we be praying for faithful believers in our own home church?
The work of God is
often accomplished alongside the Power of Prayer. It is our privilege to bring
fellow believers from the local assembly before our God in prayer.
Should we be praying for faithful believers everywhere?
YES! Know the names
of believers around the world and pray for them by name every time you get a
chance. It will help keep you in God's will, and it will keep you involved in
His work.
When should we be giving thanks for those whom we pray for?
Was prayer a regular part of Paul's life?
Paul's writings are
full of references to His deep and loving prayer life. Every letter he writes
speaks of his remembrance of them in his prayers.
Through Its Spiritual Excitement & Enlightenment, 1:17-18
Spiritual Excitement
My desire is that
the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
would give all of you
a spirit of insight and
as you gain a clear perception of Him (the Father),
Spiritual Enlightenment
18 and that by having
the eyes of your hearts
permanently enlightened
you might begin to perceive
three things:
what hope there is in His (the
Father's) calling;
what wealth there is
in the glory of His (The Father's) portion
the set apart people;
(the third hope will be found in the next
lesson 1:19)
the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory,
may give to you a spirit
of wisdom and
of revelation
in the knowledge of Him (The Father).
I pray that
the eyes of your heart
may be enlightened,
so that you will know
what is the hope
of His calling,
what are the riches
of the glory
of His inheritance in the saints,
Why would Paul refer to the Father as "the God" of our Lord Jesus Christ?
That is God the Father's official Biblical name
and when God the Son left heaven to become a man in such a manner, that God was
His God as well as ours.
Take apart the phrase "Lord Jesus Christ" and list as many facts and ideas that
it represents.
Lord (master, leader, head, oversight, office, title, obedience)
B. Jesus (Son of God, Emmanuel, Salvation, Resurrection, healing,
loving, son of Mary and Joseph, stable born, became a man, God, eternity)
C. Christ (office, Messiah, pre-existent, "before the world began,"
Angel of the Lord)
What does the phrase "Father of Glory" mean?
Hebrew idiom for "The Glorious Father," Our God
of Great Glory (value, appreciation, excitement)
Who is the "Him" in this verse?
The Father or the Son, both readings
do justice to the context. I prefer the reading of The Father as the rest of
Chapter 1 is reporting the greatness of God the Father and what He accomplished
through His son.
Who grants the "Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him"
Whether you read this verse as Him being God the
Father or Jesus the Son, the source is The Father of Glory - God the Father
What would be the difference between wisdom and revelation?
The context could indicate that these two words
are used interchangeably, however wisdom is the application of God's revelation
of truth. So that the gift of wisdom would need to be simultaneous with the gift
of revelation. God reveals His truth, and His truth allows us to appropriate it
and apply it to life, thus becoming wise in His truth.
What's so important about having knowledge of Jesus Christ?
This question is post-salvation. The place of
the Christian is to emulate Jesus Christ. How can one emulate, or take on the
characteristics, of someone they do not know. It is not enough to become
"acquainted" with Him through salvation. We must know Him intimately - for only
there is wisdom and true knowledge.
Is it appropriate for a Christian to pray for such a "Spirit" for themselves and
for other Christians?
Yes, as long as it is in the spirit
of the way Paul prays. We are not to pray for wisdom and knowledge so that we
may have advantage over others, but that we may grow in these areas to know Him
more fully each day.
Is Paul praying that they might acquire a "Spirit" or is he praying that the
"Spirit" may give them knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ?
Of course it is the latter. We pray for
spiritual enablement. We already have the Spirit of God.
10. What would
that revelation be?
Most important is the revealing of the
Scriptures to the Believer. It is there that Jesus Christ is revealed.
11. What would
that knowledge be?
The complete knowledge (all that God has given
us) of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - That we might know
Through Its Spiritual Enlightenment
Who is praying here?
Paul is praying.
What is the content of his prayer in this verse?
That the "eyes of
your heart" (their hearts would be touched, opened, made sensitive) in such a
way as we might KNOW of God's power used toward us.
What is / are "the eyes of your heart?"
In our culture the
heart is the seat of our feelings and emotions, that place where we can be
touched in our relationships with others.
What are the implications of the word "heart" (what does the Greek mean)?
While we see the
heart as the center of emotion the Greek words carry a different meaning. "The
eyes of your mind," or "The eyes of your understanding" would be a better
What does "enlightened" mean and imply (light vs. darkness)?
The Greek word here
is photizo and carries the meaning of being able to see something when a
light is shined upon it - to bring to light. The implication would be that
without the wisdom and knowledge of Christ we would stay in darkness.
Why does "so that" imply?
This paragraph
implies that Paul, even though he loved the Ephesians very much, regarded them
as living in a kind of spiritual darkness, and that they needed to "open their
eyes" to those things that "the light of the Holy Spirit" could reveal to them
in the wisdom and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Who are the "your and you" of this verse?
These words were
directed to the members of the body of Christ at Ephesus (and/or the other Asian
churches of the area). By application, then, because these matters are universal
in nature, we can also apply these truths to other members of the body of
What does it mean to "know" something. How many kinds of knowledge can
you identify. Which kind is referred to here (hint: Greek, hint: 2+2 vs.
The Greek language
has more unique words for many things than we do in English. In Greek we can
differentiate between knowledge that is rational and logical, like mathematics
"2+2=4", and knowledge that is experienced (not just the emotions but all the
senses (science, relationships, emotions, etc.) "knowing another person." The
verses of this paragraph constantly refer to knowledge that is of the first
variety - a knowledge that is not about practicality but about fact. A knowledge
that is based upon the revelation of Almighty God.
What is Hope?
expectation. Faith and Hope go together. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence (or conviction) of things not seen."
Hope then is the grounds that Faith stands upon.
What is the hope of His calling?
Fifty students
gather together and compete in testing for the highest grade. The professor
stands and says "The student with the highest grade will now be asked to come
forward for his reward, and the winner is ..." Only those who have finished the
exams with confidence have the hope of the professor's calling. That hope brings
with it a feeling of great anticipation. The Hope of God's calling is not based
upon performance but upon faith. Not how much or how little, but the possession
of it. Paul intimates that it is through the knowledge of Jesus Christ that our
faith can produce hope.
What is His calling?
Jesus said (John
14:6) "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father,
but through Me." God calls His own to Himself through Jesus Christ. "... He
calls his own sheep by name, and He leads them out. When He puts forth all His
own, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice."
What is the importance of HIS calling versus any other kind of calling?
It is the matter of
who He is that is calling. Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe -
He has called.
What are riches?
Material wealth,
great worth or value, abounding in resources, meaningful and significant,
productive, full of choice ingredients, strong aroma, a large proportion of fuel
to air, highly amusing.
What would riches of Glory mean?
Content and quality
of the Glory of God (Honor, praise, renown, adoration, thanksgiving, splendor,
resplendence, bliss) as expressed in His inheritance.
What would His inheritance be?
Those who have
willingly believed upon Jesus the Christ for their salvation are God's
What would the Riches of the Glory of His inheritance be?
All that God
receives as a result of every believer being in-Christ.
What is implied by the fact that these riches are found "in the saints?"
It is "in the
saints" where this glory has its origins. When God forgives it brings Him great
glory for being so merciful. God is seen as glorious because He has done
glorious things in "the Body of Christ."
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MacCorkle, Douglas B., God's
Special Secret, 1993, MBM Books, Cocoa Beach, FL., p. 47
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The Outline and Expanded Translation Text presented in this study is from Dr. MacCorkle's God's Special Secret - The Case Paul Argues in the Epistle to the Ephesians, Copyright 1993 by Douglas B. MacCorkle. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Published by the not-for-profit MacCorkle bible Ministries, Inc. Books, P.O. Box 320909, Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932-0909.
J. Deering
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Jeremiah 18:15
"Don't stumble from the Ancient Path.”
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