Lesson 06
Chapter 1:19-23, The Study "The Church As Complementary in Its Secret Power" |
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2 | Return to Lesson 5 Eph. 1:13-18 |
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J. Deering,
Recap of Chapter 1:13-18
The Major Creation Work of the Holy Spirit 1:13-14
The Church As The Complement to Its Risen Head 1:15-18 (Complementary in its
Spiritual Perception)
Through Its Spiritual Excitement 1:15-17
Through Its Spiritual Enlightenment 1:18
Paul started off by
telling the Ephesians that their faith was made known to him while in prison in
Rome. He was excited to learn of the changes that local church had been through.
Imagine a church made up of former mostly gentile unbelievers so far away in
this foreign country. I imagine it is much like our enthusiasm toward local
churches started up in far away foreign lands by those God has sent from our
church(es). His enthusiasm is also obvious concerning the Ephesian church’s love
and ministry toward other local churches in their country. His letter makes his
love for them obvious – he wants them to know the riches of the
Grace of the Father God,
His Son, and His Holy Spirit.
Paul prays for them
and gives thanks for them all the time. This should be a lesson for all of us –
pray for the work of God in and through the lives of effective believers in
those far places that we know about through those whom we support as
missionaries. Demonstrate to them our love for them and their work.
Paul tells them
about the “good news” – their salvation and the giving to them the Person and
Power of their sealing in the Holy Spirit, who will bring about their redemption
in salvation, to the Father’s Glory. He then encourages them to seek and entrust
God through insight and revelation from the Holy Spirit, especially to get to
know God the Father.
Paul desires a list
of great spiritual benefits for each of them; Gifts from the Father’s Grace: A
spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of the Father, and that Their
hearts would be permanently enlightened for… The Hope in God’s Calling, and The
Riches of God’s received Glory through His inheritance of the saints (holy
Through Its Spiritual Enlightenment,
Paul expresses… that you are to Enlighten Your
With the
the Father's Calling of You
With the
of God's Glory in You
Before going on… Let us renew in our
hearts, “Who Is Jesus Christ?”
“In the beginning was the Word
(the Preexisting Son of God), and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without
him nothing was made that has been made.”
The Church As Complementary in Its Secret Power 1:19-21 Paul’s Commentary on the
Church’s Secret Power
“The Power of His Endowment”
Visualized Text
1:19 [Mac]
extraordinary mega-power is available
for us believers —
relative to the internal operation
of the strength
of His
(the Father's) might.
is the surpassing greatness of His
(the Father’s)
toward us who believe.
These are in accordance with
the working of the strength of
(the Father’s) might.
In our last lesson, verses 1:13-18 give us
pictures of who the Father is and what He has accomplished In-Christ for our
sake. They are yours… if you will
pursue and acquire them.
Now we journey with Paul as he describes this
“mega-power” as it empowers the Church and us.
:17 - That the Father of glory may give to
you... and (a) a spirit of
wisdom, (b) a
revelation in the
knowledge of Him
:18 - That you may KNOW... (a) what
is the HOPE of
His Calling, (b) the RICHES
of His Glory, and
And now we move into this
lesson that begins with verse :19.
And Now - Third,
:19 - What is the Surpassing Greatness
of His (The Father’s)
Power toward
US who believe.
Paul doesn't stop with
just knowing about the Hope of God
in-Christ, but he goes on to remind us that the
surpassing power of God is available,
through Christ, to us who
believe. We need to see that there is no reason to live in fear, no reason to
live our lives in desperation and spiritual poverty. The Power of God is
immediately available to us to live as
Christ. The Father's power is
directed toward us who believe. He
stirs and moves the events of the world
for the benefit of His children. The believer’s blessings and tragedies of
this life are all part of the “test of faith” that are brought through the Power
of God as preparation for the life here
after. Life “here after” is of His greatest concern for us. If a day in
heaven is worth a thousand of our years – consider the value of God’s
preparations in us in our lifetime here on earth.
Those who believe in
Christ Jesus are of such great value
to God the Father - they are an extension of
His son. He will do everything He can
to bring you to maturity in Christ. The decisions are yours to make.
The Church As Complementary in Its Secret Power 1:19-21 Paul’s Commentary on the
Church’s Secret Power
“The Power of Endowment”
The Power of Example - Christ Raised from the Dead
The Visualized Text
(the Father) operated this way in the
first, when He
(the Father)
raised Him
from among the dead;
second, when He
(the Father)
(Christ) on His (the Father's)
in the heavenlies,
which He
(The Father) brought about in Christ,
(first) when He (The Father)
raised Him (Christ) from the
dead and
(Second) seated Him (Christ)
at His (The Father’s)
right hand
in the heavenly places
Paul now moves on again speaking about the
Complementary power of the Church,
given by God the Father that works within both the Church as a whole, and its
in-depth working in each believer.
If you are
the power that raised Jesus from the dead is
the power working in you and it is available to you. The work of the
Cross of Christ has resulted in the Power of God being able to efficiently and
effectively raise you from both the
Spiritual deadness that has separated
you from God and to also literally
raise you from the deadness of the grave
into newness of both body and life. This resurrection power comes only from God
– it is not available from anyone or anything else.
Think of the Power of God the Father to
#1, raise dead Jesus from the grave to live eternally as God the Son. Paul
wrote in 1 Corinthians, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of
those who have fallen asleep.” This was no “resuscitation,” like Jairus’
daughter or Lazarus – who would need to return to the grave upon the end of
their physical lifetimes.
Think of the Power of God the Father to
#2, place resurrected Jesus onto the heavenly Throne and give to Him the power
of being seated at God’s right hand – the very position of power… described
in the next verse! But before we get there…
Now, think of the Power of God given to you. That power which raised your inner
person from spiritual death.
“The believer received spiritual resurrection for the inner man at the moment of
salvation. He will experience physical resurrection for the outer man when
Christ returns to a summit meeting in the clouds with His purchased people. In
the interim Paul said he desired to possess the experiential knowledge of the
Power of Christs resurrection in his walk.”
“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and
participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so,
somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.”
(Philippians 3:10)
The Church As Complementary in Its Secret Power 1:19-21 Paul’s Commentary on the
Church’s Secret Power
“The Power of Endowment”
The Power of Example - Christ Raised from the Dead
The Power's Extent
The Visualized Text
… seated at God the
Father’s right hand…
high above
every kind of
lordship, and
every title that is named not only
in this age but
in the one to about to come.
far above all
rule and
that is named, not only
in this age but also in the one to come.
Here on earth and in heaven the power of God is demonstrated in the lives of
those men and women who have willingly chosen to believe upon His Son, Jesus
Christ. The emphasis of this verse is upon
the Power of God as He exercised it upon
His Son. The resurrection of The Christ,
the placing of Him at God's own right hand in Heaven itself. The
right-hand position indicates Christ's power as God's own son. He now sits upon
the throne beside God the Father. God the
Father has put Christ in charge. The extent to which God the Father has put
His Son in charge includes everyone and
everything, everywhere. The force of the verse is that Christ is over all
powers, including this world. That power extends to all the angels (good or
bad), satan and his demons and workers and every other creature of heaven that
we don’t know about. Further, Paul states,
Christ is over every Name that could be
called out as an authority anywhere. That power has been placed into
Christ’s hands for now
and forever.
It is also important that
we do not miss Paul's statement that Christ has been
seated on the throne. His work is finished, He has
done all that He needed to do, and
doing all that, He sat down. It was His work that was done, and when He finished
what He was sent to do, He said "It is
finished." And then in heaven, beside His Father,
He sat down.
"There is nothing (or no one) so elevated or
excellent, by whatever name it may be named, that is not subject to the majesty
of Christ.” “Not just names - but the entire command and government of the
John Calvin.[2]
The Church As Complementary in Its Secret Power 1:19-21 Paul’s Commentary on the
Church’s Secret Power
“The Power of Endowment”
“The Power of Example”
“The Power's Extent”
His care in Universal and Church Headship
The Visualized Text
(The Father) subordinated everything
under His
(Christ Jesus’) feet,
He (The
Father) established Him (Christ Jesus) as
Head over all things to the Church.
He (The
Father) put all things in
under His
(Christ Jesus’) feet, and
He, (The Father) gave Him
(Christ Jesus) as
head over all things to the
Continuing in the same line of thought, God the Father upon Christ's
resurrection from the dead proclaimed Jesus Christ as the ultimate ruler of all
things pertaining to the Ecclesia (the Church) (thus: The Church of Jesus
Christ). This is a specific proclamation made so that there would be no
misunderstanding about who would be the Lord of this new body of "set-apart"
ones. No man, angel or creature would ever have the "divine" right to proclaim
himself ruler of the church. This title and responsibility would always and
fully belong only to the Son of God who the Father resurrected to life eternal.
Christ, by the nature of who He is, was already the creator and sustainer of all
that is but God the Father has declared so that there would be no
misunderstanding about who now controlled the Power that is destined for the
Church, and who was head of the body of Christ. This power and position will
become fully known upon Jesus Christ’s second advent, as the world enters into
the Promised Kingdom of God on earth and perhaps even more as the body moves
into life eternal.
It should be noted as
well that Christ has been given the authority to be the absolute head of
everything that pertains to the “Body
of Christ,” the “Ecclesia,” “the body of called-out ones,” “those who have been
set apart to God.” We call this group "the Church." Not the local church, not
any denomination or religious group, but every member of the universal
believing Body of Christ.
We all report to Him and
Him alone. The Body of Christ is the fullness of God the Father's
accomplishments through Jesus Christ. We certainly can add no fullness to God
the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit, but we
represent His fullness, filling all
that can be filled as we are The Body of Christ.
This brings up the issue of the long contentious argument "Is Christ your Lord,
Is Christ your Savior, can He be one and not the other?" Without trying to
stir-up this old "hobby horse," there is certainly this one sense that Christ is
"The Savior of the World" (John 4:42; 1 John 4:14) and absolute Lord over
all things of the Body of Christ. (Ephesians 1:20-23).
Many believe that one can be saved and live in any manner they wish. There can
be no debate amongst those who hold a high view of the Scriptures that these two
statements are absolutely true. The long argued "Savior / Lord" issue is about
personal relationship and works - not about the absolute truth of Christ's
position as set-up by God the Father.
For the true believer, you are both saved and under the Lordship
responsibilities of your Savior. As one travels through their lives, as
believers, it becomes more and more obvious that salvation can only be measured
at the end of one’s earthly life. That should bring great encouragement for a
life to be lived according to the Power of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
every day, and in every circumstance.
Certainly, those who have never been called of God or followed Him by Faith into
belief that He is the Christ have any right to expect entitlement to anything
that comes as a relationship benefit in the Body of Christ. Yet there are
apparently many who have never heard the call of God, nor responded in faith who
share pew space amongst us in our local churches. And there are those who, even
though called and in-Christ by faith, never allow themselves to submit to His
full authority in their lives. In fact, most of us are only somewhere in the
transition between carnal and spiritual.
All believers need to be careful in what they think as being a believer. Jesus
has made that very clear, you are to believe that Jesus, the Son of God
Almighty, willingly and at the Father’s request, gave His life on the Cross of
Calvery as a substitute for you for the removal of the cost and penalty of your
sins, and to freely give to you forgiveness and life eternal with Him.
We all need to consider Christ’s warning…
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven,
but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say
to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your
name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell
them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
(Matthew 7:21-23)
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30)
So, in every local body there are two kinds of people - the saved, and the
unsaved. Our responsibility to both groups is the same ... for the saved amongst
us we must wholeheartedly endeavor to strive in unity for growth and spiritual
maturity for His sake.
For the unsaved amongst us we must wholeheartedly endeavor to strive for their
salvation. They are the closest to us, they are among us in our local churches,
they are the immediate evangelistic ministry. What keeps them from coming to
Christ? Probably calloused hearts. They have come and been poorly fed or poorly
treated during their earlier church lives and see no need for further communion
with Christ.
And then there are our families, our neighbors, strangers, etc., etc., etc.
One of my favorite things to do is pull apart portions of the Greek koine text
to explore meaning. Here’s my “pulled-apart” version of John 3:16.
(it was) in this manner (that) God actively showed His love to
mankind. He actively and intentionally, gave His one and only born Son so that
everyone who is believing in Him (that Son) may not be destroyed, but be
having life eternal.”
The Church As Complementary in Its Secret Power 1:19-21 Paul’s Commentary on the
Church’s Secret Power
“The Power of Endowment”
“The Power of Example”
“The Power's Extent”
His care in Universal and Church Headship
His Care In Headship – The Fulfillment of All Blessings
The Visualized Text
The Church is His
(Christ Jesus’) Body – the
fullness of the One (The
Father) Who constantly
fills all blessings in all members.
which is
His (Christ
Jesus’) body, the fullness of Him
(The Father)
who fills all in all.
The Church is His Body, for the first time the term Church replaces the plural
pronouns we and us of verses 3-23. In rhetoric the term Body is a metaphor –
some would even say a simile – but what is represented here is really simple and
literal, it is a metaphor that speaks for the vital mystical union between the
Head and the
The Body is those who have been
called, those who have responded to God's call with belief by Faith, who
officially make up the "Body of Christ." This group is often referred to as "The
Church Invisible," "The
Universal Church," "The
catholic church (not in the Roman
sense)." It is made up of all those who were in Christ in the past and are now
dead, those who are now alive in Christ, and all those who are yet to
believe and become
in Christ.
It is this body of believers in Christ who bring a fullness to the plan and
purposes of God. We certainly can't add to God and make Him more. He is all in
all. But there is the fullness of the completion of His plan of salvation and
the making of a people who are wholly His - because
they desire it. How wonderful it is
to be loved, and loved by someone who just loves you, not because of anything
you bring to the table. Think of how God feels when you love Him just because
you choose to love Him and love Him
through the means and by the path that He has prescribed
through His son Jesus. That is
His fullness.
"and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These
are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might"
1. What does the phrase "surpassing greatness" mean?
Like the game of leapfrog. Every time greatness gets ahead, greatness leaps over
and gets ahead even more.
2. List the attributes and evidence of His power?
Salvation, overcoming sin and evil, creation of all that there is, sustaining
all that there is, etc.
3. Which of these attributes and evidence are for believers?
All of His power and greatness has been expended toward those who would
willingly love and obey Him.
4. What is the implication for you as a believer concerning
this Power of God?
"If God be for you, who can stand against you" (Romans 8:31)
5. The last sentence of this verse implies what concerning
God's power?
The plan of God is worked out in the strength of His might toward us who
6. What is the implication for you as a believer as to the
intentions of God and His power?
The implication is that God is working in and with you in all things using the
might of His power in your interests, and that brings Him great glory.
"These are in
accordance with the working of the strength of His might"
1. The last
sentence of this verse implies what concerning God's power?
God's power is aimed at making known the riches of His grace of the glory of His
inheritance in the saints and specifically, through the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead and seating Him at the right hand of God.
2. What is the
implication for you as a believer as to the intentions of God and His power?
The implication is that
God expends His power on the behalf of the believer.
3. Is God's
might working?
God's power and might is working on behalf of His glory through the saints - The
Body of Christ.
"which He brought
about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right
hand in the heavenly places,"
1. What did God bring about in Christ ...?
The Hope of His calling, The Riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.
2. Revisit
what it means to be "in Christ," and what it means here.
Remembering from earlier in chapter 1, the "sphere" of being "in-Christ." This
"sphere" of responsibility include all that Christ has done, is doing, and will
do on behalf of the individual members of "The Body of Christ." These three
particular responsibilities (#2) are especially pointed out as being "in-Christ"
by virtue of His resurrection and ascension.
3. When did
this take place?
At the Resurrection of Christ.
5. Who raised
Jesus from the dead?
the Father is given the credit for raising Jesus from the dead in this passage.
6. Why did God
raise Jesus from the dead?
the just and righteous response to the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross
bringing forgiveness for the sins of the world - God demonstrated His pleasure
with His Son's obedience through the Resurrection.
7. How did
Jesus die?
His death occurred on the
Cross through crucifixion.
A perversion of twisted Jewish law found Jesus
guilty of blaspheme, the Roman legal system - although they found Him not guilty
of any crime worthy of death - was responsible for declaring Him to be
crucified, however, no one killed Jesus the Christ. It was Jesus Himself who
yielded up His own spirit. No man, men, or human institution can kill God.
9. What was
Jesus' reward?
The declaration of
putting all things in subjection to His power.
10. Where did God place
God the Father placed
Jesus the Christ at His right hand - the place of power.
11. What is the
implication that Jesus is "seated" and not "standing?"
His work is finalized, done, and complete. He no longer has any need to stand
and labor, now He is in the position of sitting - as He said, "It is finished."
12. What is the
implication of God's right hand?
Being at the right hand of a King is the position of power - "The right-hand
13. Where did this take
In the Heavenlies.
14. When did this take
Following the
Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
"far above all rule
and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in
this age, but also in the one to come."
1. What
relationship does this "seating" have on heavenly and worldly powers?
This position of power is "above" ALL other authorities and powers.
2. What are
the differences among rule, authority, power, and dominion?
These terms work up the ladder of power from the lowest to the highest.
3. What names
could be named to fit these authorities?
Kings, presidents, senators, representatives, police, sheriffs, guards, masters,
religious leaders, angles, demons, satanic hosts, Satan himself, etc.
4. When is this power applied?
The age of Israel, and the age of the church (Israel was the age when the
statement was made, the age of the Church was "the one to come."
"And He
put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all
things to the church,"
Who put all things under whose feet?
God the Father put all things under the feet of Jesus Christ.
What does "subjection" mean?
The Greek word here is hupotasso, under-submission, to be subdued, to be placed under subjection (to be come a subject of another).
How much power does it take to do this?
In order to place all things under submission would take all power.
Who has this kind of authority?
Only God.
Who gave Him as head over all things to the church?
God the Father gave Jesus Christ as head.
What does "head" or "headship" mean?
Headship implies the "control center" of all power, much as the head of the
physical body contains the brain that controls the rest of the body.
7. What does the preposition
"over" mean here?
The place of
authority - to be over someone else is to be in a place of authority concerning
8. How many
things is He over?
ALL things.
9. How many is
10. Is He head over you?
As head over ALL - YES.
11. What does that mean to
the church?
That Jesus Christ is
responsible and accountable for the rule and ministry of the church (Ecclesia).
12. Which church?
The Ecclesia, the Body of Christ, The Church Universal, all those who have, are,
or will be believers in The Lord Jesus Christ.
13. If you are a believer,
who is the authority over your life?
It should be Jesus Christ ALONE, no other being, or organization (spiritual or
otherwise) is given the right to be head over you.
is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
What is "His body?"
The New Testament defines His body as those who have willingly believed upon the
Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior alone.
2. List the
implications of being "His body."
The "body" implies there are body parts and a head. The head controls the body,
the body parts follow the leadership of the head.
Who is the "fullness of Him?"
The Body of Christ bring fullness to God the Father.
How many or how much is "all?"
How many or how much is "all in all" then?
(All X all), a way of saying ALL that includes everything, everyone,
Are you part of the fullness which fills Him?
1 |
2 |
3 |
MacCorkle, Douglas B., God's
Special Secret, 1993, MBM Books, Cocoa Beach, FL., p. 57
[2] (2 of 3) Verse 22 of Ephesians 1:20-23)
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The Writings of Douglas B. MacCorkle
Dr. MacCorkle's Books and Study
materials on this website are made available here free, through the generosity
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The Outline and Expanded Translation Text presented in this study
is from Dr. MacCorkle's God's Special Secret - The Case Paul Argues in the
Epistle to the Ephesians, Copyright 1993 by Douglas B.
MacCorkle. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Published by the
not-for-profit MacCorkle bible Ministries, Inc. Books, P.O. Box 320909, Cocoa
Beach, Fl. 32932-0909.
J. Deering
© 2008-2025 All rights reserved.
Jeremiah 18:15
"Don't stumble from the Ancient Path.”