Understanding The Bible |
Bible Overview | |
Overview Chart of the Bible's Books - A List of each Bible Books and summary of their contents | |
Clarence E. Mason Jr., "Mason's Bible Notes" - The complete bible reference set of this noted Philadelphia College of Bible Professor and Administrator | |
Introduction to The Bible - Dr. Clarence E. Mason, An Introduction to The Canon of Scripture, Manuscripts and Versions, Inspiration of The Word of God, and the study of Hermeneutics | |
"Bible Themes" Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia College of Bible | |
What on Earth is God Doing - selections from Dr. Rene Showers Book. A genuine introduction to the "plan of the ages" from the Biblical point of view. | |
Bible Timeline: Pre Biblical History to Present Day - Chart AncientPath.net | |
Bibliology | |
Quick Overview of Bible Books and Divisions - a book by book description (very brief) of each book in the Bible. [DOWNLOAD AS A PDF - CLICK HERE] | |
"Outline Study of the Bible and its books" - W. W. Rugh | |
"Understanding The Bible" Chart - Henrietta Mears. A wonderful chart of the books of the Bible and simple "helps" to understanding and remembering them. | |
"The Bible and its Books" - W. W. Rugh | |
The Hebrew Arrangement of the Old Testament Books - AncientPath.net | |
Time-Line of Biblical Events and History (Graphic) AncientPath.net - A graphic representation of "all of time," with emphasis on four areas: Rule, Plan, Grace, Belief, and History | |
Bible Prophecy | |
"Old Testament Prophetics" - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
"Prophetic Peaks - an Exposition of The Olivet Discourse" - Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle, Th.D., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
"The Church" - Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield | |
"The Purpose of God in This Age," Part II - Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield | |
"The Gentiles Will be Blessed Through Abraham and His Seed" (Chart) (adapted from IMG, formerly FOI, graphic) | |
Overview of Israel's Prophets AncientPath.net | |
Introduction to The Minor Prophets of Israel and Judah AncientPath.net | |
Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets AncientPath.net | |
Old Testament | |
Understanding the Bible - "Old Testament History" - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
Old Testament Survey (Short Form) - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
Themes of the Old Testament - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
"Old Testament Book Outlines" Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
Outlines of the Old Testament - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
Abraham's Family Tree (Graphic) AncientPath.net | |
Abraham's Seed (Chart) (adapted from IMG, formerly FOI, graphic) | |
The Kings of Judah and Israel (A Nation Divided) - AncientPath.net | |
"Jewish Marriage Customs" Renald Showers | |
"The Meaning of Jewish Holy Days" - Chart - Dr. Henry J. Heydt | |
Christ In The Tabernacle W. W. Rugh | |
The Names of God - The Jewish Encyclopedia | |
New Testament | |
The Parables of Jesus, a Chronological study - Jim Deering | |
New Testament Survey (Short Form) - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
A New Testament Chronology - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
The Church's Relationship to The New Covenant Rodney J. Decker | |
"Introduction to the Gospels" - W. W. Rugh | |
A General Introduction to the Pauline Epistles | |
Introduction to The Pauline Prison Epistles Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle, Th.D., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
Introduction to The Life of Paul Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle, Th.D., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
The Life of "the Called Apostle" Paul - T. Alton Bryant | |
A Chronology of the Life of Paul | |
Christ In The Tabernacle - AncientPath.net | |
"Redemption Through The Gospels" Chart - W. W. Rugh | |
"God's Own VIPs," Book on The Olivet Discourse - Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle, Th.D., Philadelphia Biblical University | |
"In Him - A Reference Study on our Inheritance" AncientPath.net | |
Redemption Chart from Ephesians | |
The 15 Apostles (list) | |
Luke 15:11-32 "The House of the Three Prodigals" - Dr. Herbert H. Ehrenstein | |
Dispensations | |
Clarence E. Mason Jr., Mason's Chart of the Dispensations of Time, Philadelphia Biblical University C. 1973 - Much like Scofield's 7 Dispensations, Mason divides up time into 9 divisions that provide more definition to the dispensational point of view. From his book, "Dispensationalism Made Simple" (see above). | |
"Introduction to Dispensational Theology" Renald Showers, as always expected from Dr. Showers, a thorough and thoughtful presentation on Dispensational Theology. | |
Clarence E. Mason Jr., "Dispensationalism Explained" - The complete text of this noted Philadelphia Biblical University (formerly Philadelphia College of Bible" Professor's book on understanding this often criticized way of interpreting the Scriptures. (Updated by Word of Life) | |
Dr. Gerry Breshears, Ph.D., "New Directions In Dispensationalism" - Another excellent presentation of the benefits and strengths of rightly understanding the Dispensational approach to the Scriptures. | |
Language | |
A Visualization of Greek and English Prepositions-1/ A Visualization of Greek and English Prepositions-2 - Dr. Herbert H. Ehrenstein | |
"Listing of English and Corresponding Greek Verb Tenses and Moods" AncientPath.net | |
Glossary of Latin (and other) Terms | |
The Riches of Grace in Christ Jesus, or The 33 Blessings inherited by the Believer - "God's Precious Promises" - Lewis Sperry Chafer. Dr. Chafer's compilation of the "33 Blessings" one has positionally, and automatically, when you are "In Jesus Christ" | |
Sermon Notes for: "The Responsibilities of Being Grown Up" | |
"The Christian's Responsibilities," G. Coleman Luck | |
"Does God Change His Mind" Robert B. Chisholm Jr. | |
A Commentary on Baptism (as found in the Bible) - L.S. Chafer | |
Reference Notes on: Baptism - assorted Bible texts and Greek words | |
A Commentary on Baptism, - Based on work done by Lewis Sperry Chafer | |
Verse Notes on Repentance From 1 Cronicles 6 | |
Baptism in the New Testament - L.S. Chafer / AncientPath.net (edited) | |
Baptism - A Quick Study on the use of Water Prepositions in the New Testament AncientPath.net | |
A Commentary on Repentance (as found in the Bible) - L.S. Chafer | |
"Baptism For The Dead" John D. Reaume | |
"Good Friday Mt 22 Reading" J. Deering | |
"The Importance of Biblical Walls and Gates", Christian Life magazine, Faith Aflame, Wheaton, Ill., 1977 | |
"A Sinner's Day In Court" - Louis Paul Lehman, believed to be Public Domain | |
Fancy Tale of the High Button Shoes" - Louis Paul Lehman, believed to be
Public Domain "The Fancy Tale of the High Button Shoes" - Louis Paul Lehman, The Audio Recording |
Collections | All the Prayers of the Bible, Paul Billheimer, Everybody Magazine, c. 1970 |
Writings from Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle | |
Writings from W. W. Rugh | |
Writings from E. Schuyler English | |
Writings from Cyrus Ingersoll Schofield | |
Early Recordings of Lewis Sperry Chafer | |
Biographies | |
C. I. Scofield, a biography - John Hannah | |
"Brief Biography of Clarence Larkin" w/ source for books and charts | |
"A brief biography of Harry Ironside" - E. Schulyer English | |
C.I. Scofield and the Scofield Bible - Dr. Glen Goss, Professor of Bible, PBU, retired | |
Sermons | |
"What All New Christians Should Know - Dr. Glen E. Clifton | |
"How to Live the Successful Christian Life - Dr. Glen E. Clifton | |