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About Bible Links
About Ministry
About New Life in Christ
About Doctrine

Abraham's Family Tree (Chart)

The Abrahamic Covenant (Brief)

Acts - Bible Study

Philippians and the Book of Acts

Amos - Bible Study

"The 15 Apostles"

Angels - Cherubim and Seraphim

Angelology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
I.  Introduction and The Nature and Number of Angels
     II. The Various Orders of Angels
     III.  Satan

Anthropology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     I.  The Origin of Man
     II.  Essential Elements of Man
     III.  Origin of the Soul 

ANCIENTPAHT.NET - The Ancient Path Bible Studies and Bible Reference Materials
Business Address:
551 Perch Lane
Sebastian, FL 32958


Baptism, A Commentary - Addendum Matthew Ch. 3 #302

Baptism, A Commentary on - Based on work done by Lewis Sperry Chafer - Resource

"Baptism - A Quick Study on the use of Water Prepositions in the New Testament"

Baptism, Reference Notes on - assorted Bible texts and Greek words - Resource

"Baptism for the Dead" - John D. Reaume

"Baptism in the New Testament" - Chafer

Begg, Alistair - Bible Teacher, Lecturer, Pastor, Parkside Church, Cleveland [highly recommended]

"Beside The Still Waters" - Devotions from Hebrews - Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle

Learn to Study The Bible  - Resource

Bible Study, The Art of - Resource

(Please look alphabetically for more Bible Book Studies and Courses)
Acts - Bible Study
Amos - Bible Study
1 Chronicles - Bible Study
2 Chronicles - Bible Study
Colossians - Bible Study
     1 Corinthians - Bible Study
     2 Corinthians - Bible Study
     Deuteronomy - Bible Study
Ephesians - Bible Study
     Esther - Bible Study
Exodus - Bible Study
     Ezra - Bible Study
Galatians - Bible Study
     Genesis - Bible Study
     Habakkuk - Bible Study
Haggai - Bible Study
     Hebrews - Bible Study
     Hosea - Bible Study
James - Bible Study
Joel - Bible Study
John. The Gospel of - Bible Study
Joshua - Bible Study
1 John - Bible Study
     2 John - Bible Study
     3 John - Bible Study
Jude - Bible Study
Judges - Bible Study
1 Kings - Bible Study
2 Kings - Bible Study
     Leviticus - Bible Study
Luke - Bible Study
     Malachi - Bible Study
Mark - Bible Study
     Matthew - Bible Study
Micah - Bible Study
     Nahum - Bible Study
     Nehemiah - Bible Study
     Numbers - Bible Study
     Obadiah - Bible Study
     1 Peter - Bible Study
     2 Peter - Bible Study
     Philippians - Bible Study
     Philemon - Bible Study
     Revelation - Bible Study
     Romans - Bible Study
     Ruth - Bible Study
     Song of Solomon - Bible Study
1 Samuel - Bible Study
2 Samuel - Bible Study
     1 Thessalonians Bible Study
2 Thessalonians - Bible Study
1 Timothy - Bible Study
2 Timothy - Bible Study
Titus - Bible Study
Zechariah - Bible Study
Zephaniah - Bible Study

Bible Themes and Outlines - C. E. Mason

Bible Theme Chart, Understanding the - Henrietta Mears - Resource

Biblical Events and History Timeline - Resource

Christian Life magazine, Faith Aflame, Wheaton, Ill., 1977 - The Importance of Biblical Walls and Gates

O.T. Book Outlines - C. E. Mason, Jr.

A.  Introduction to:  The Canon Of Scripture
     The Old Testament Canon
     The New Testament Canon

B.  Introduction to:  Manuscripts and Versions - Mason Course
     The Transmission of the Old Testament Text
     The Transmission of the New Testament Text
     Versions of the Bible in English
Versions of the Bible - Chart

C.  Introduction to:  Inspiration - Mason Course
Introductory Material
     Various Inadequate Theories of Inspiration
     Verbal and Plenary Inspiration
     Inspiration According to the Scripture
     Testimony of the Early Church
     Testimony of the Secular Writers
Objections to Doctrine of Verbal Inspiration and Replies

D.  Introduction to: Hermeneutics - Mason Course
     Qualifications of an Interpreter
     A Brief History of Hermeneutics
     Fundamental Axioms upon which the Science of Hermeneutics Rests
     Rules of General Hermeneutics
Rules of Special Hermeneutics

Bibliololgy (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     I.  Various Inadequate Theories of Inspiration
     II.  Verbal and Plenary Inspiration
     III.  Inspiration According to the Scriptures
     IV.  Testimony of the Early Church
     V.  Testimony of the Secular Writers
     VI.  Objections to Doctrine of Verbal Inspiration

Bible Themes and Outlines - C. E. Mason - Mason Course

O.T. Book Outlines - C. E. Mason, Jr. - Mason Course

Biography - Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle -

Biography - Harry Ironside - by E. Schuyler English

Biography - Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield - by John Hannah

Biography - Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield - Dr. Glenn Goss

The Field of Boaz (book of Ruth)

Dr. James Borror - Spiritual Life Conference Address 09/72



About New Life in Christ

Miracle at Cana

Dr. John Cawood - Audio Recordings

"Does God Change His Mind?" - Robert B. Chisholm Jr.

1 Chronicles - Bible Study

2 Chronicles - Bible Study

Dr. C. I. Scofield - The Church Age

Chafer, Dr. Lewis Sperry:
Understanding the Bible - The 33 Blessings inherited by the Believer - "God's Precious Promises"
Baptism, A Commentary on - Based on work done by Lewis Sperry Chafer - Resource
"Baptism in the New Testament" - Chafer
Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer - Early Recordings - recorded at Dallas Theological Seminary, 1948

Chisholm, Robert B. Jr.:
"Does God Change His Mind?" - Robert B. Chisholm Jr.

Dr. Glen E. Clifton

Brief Biography
 "What All Christians Should Know" (Bible Resources)
 "How to Live the Successful Christian Life" (Bible Resources)
 "The Eagle Christian" (Topical)
 "Is Jesus Lord of Your Life?" (Topical)
 "John 3:16, God's Love letter to Mankind" (Topical)
 "Running the Race of Life" (Topical)
 "Finding God's Will in Your Life" (Topical)
 "Grab a Rope" (Topical)
 "I'm Wounded... Don't Shoot Me Again! (Topical)
"Don't Die On Third Base" (Topical)
"Is Your Church Prepared for the Future?" (Topical)
"The Gospel of Hope" (Topical)
"When Good Men Do Nothing" (Topical)
"The Missing Doctrine in the Modern Church of America"
"Christmas, Joseph, and the stress of it all"
"Can We Believe the Virgin Birth?"
"Resolutions for a Happy New Year"
"The Triumphant Church"
"The Touch of the Master's Hand"

Colossians - Bible Study

1 Corinthians - Bible Study

2 Corinthians - Bible Study


Biblical Covenants - C.I. Scofield

Dr. Malcolm Cronk - Spiritual Life Confrence 1972-1973 Audio Recording

Chronology of the New Testament - Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr.

The Church's Relationship to the New Covenant - Rodney J. Decker

Creation - The Creationist View - Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr (with Chart)

Introduction to:  The Canon Of Scripture - Mason Course
     The Old Testament Canon
     The New Testament Canon

The Book of Canticles, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs• - Mason Course
1.  Part I. Introduction
          Historical Background
          The Story Back of the Book
          (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 37-38a)
     2.  Part II.  The Plot
          The Plot Usually Given (Ewald's)
          Objections to This Plot Usually Given
          Dr. Ironside's Suggested Plot
          The Advantages of Dr. Ironside's Plot
          Two Things to Note
          Key to the Book
          (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 38b-42)
3.  The Various Songs (Canticles) Which Compose the Song
     Canticle-1, 1:2-6, "A song of longing to be brought into the bridegroom's presence"
     Canticle-2, 1:7-8, "An answer which did not answer"
     Canticle-3, 1:9-17, "Loves admiration"
     Canticle-4, 2:1-7, "A song of perfect love (His love) which casts out our fear"
     Canticle-5, 2:8-17, "A song of a happy visit and a promised return"
     Canticle-6, 3:1-5, "A sad song which ends right"
     Canticle-7, 3:6-11, "A song of an amazing marriage"
     Canticle-8, 4:1-7, "The bridegroom's solo of delight"
     Canticle-9, 4:8-5:1, "The song of his eager proposal and her glad acceptance"
     Canticle-10, 5:2-6:3, "The song about the altogether lovely one"
     Canticle-11, 6:4-7:10, "A song of the Shulamite's superiority"
     Canticle-12, 7:11-8:4, "A song of a homesick bride"
     Canticle-13, 8:5-14, "The song of a triumphal homecoming"
(Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 43-XX)

Christology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

Chronology of the New Testament - Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr. - Mason Course

Colossians (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

1 & 2 Corinthians - Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr. - Mason Course
     Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Covenant, Abrahamic (Brief)

Creation - The Creationist View - Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr (with Chart) - Mason Course


About Doctrine

People and DATES

The Day of the Lord - Dr. Clarence Mason

The Believer's State After Death

"Baptism for the Dead" - John D. Reaume

Decker, Dr. Rodney J.:
The Church's Relationship to the New Covenant - Rodney J. Decker

Deering, James:
The Parables of Jesus, a Chronological study - Jim Deering

Deuteronomy - Bible Study

Dispensational Theology, An Introduction To - Renald Showers

Dispensational Chart of Time - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia College of Bible C. 1973, PBU

"Does God Change His Mind?" - Robert B. Chisholm Jr.

The Book of Daniel, (c. 1970) - Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline of Daniel
     Analytical Outline of Daniel, Part I "The Four Gentile World Empires"
     Analytical Outline of Daniel, Part II "Israel's Relation to, Experiences Under, and Final Victory Over Gentile World Powers"

Dispensational Chart of Time - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia College of Bible C. 1973, PBU  (mason_DispensationChart) - Mason Course

"Dispensationalism EXPLAINED" a re-published version (WOL) of Dr. Mason's book, with updated language and graphics,

An Introduction to Biblical Christian Doctrine - Mason Course

Preface to the Doctrine Notes and Their Use
- Mason Course

(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     I.  Various Inadequate Theories of Inspiration
     II.  Verbal and Plenary Inspiration
     III.  Inspiration According to the Scriptures
     IV.  Testimony of the Early Church
     V.  Testimony of the Secular Writers
     VI.  Objections to Doctrine of Verbal Inspiration

Angelology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     I.  Introduction and The Nature and Number of Angels
     II. The Various Orders of Angels
     III.  Satan

Anthropology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     I.  The Origin of Man
     II.  Essential Elements of Man
     III.  Origin of the Soul

Hamartiology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
I.  Evolutionary Hypothesis VS. Biblical Revelation
     II.  The Temptation
     III.  Effects of the Fall
     IV.  Questions About the Fall
     V.  The Divine judgment Because of the Fall
     VI.  Results of Divine Judgment
     VII.  Human Speculation About Sin's Nature and Origin
     VIII.  The Biblical View of the Origin of Sin
     IX.  The Nature of Sin
     X.  The Transmitted Sin Nature
     XI.  Three Areas of Imputation

Theology Proper (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Introduction to Theology Proper
     I.  Theism / Trinitarianism
     II.  The Doctrine of the Trinity (Tri-Unity)
     III.  The Persons of the Trinity
     IV.  Special Note on Mark 13:32 "Christ's Alleged Ignorance of the Time of His Return"

The Names of God (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

Soteriology I
 (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Soteriology II (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

Eschatology I
(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Eschatology II
(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Eschatology III
(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

Typology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Introduction to Typology
     Typology in the Book of Genesis
     Typology in the Books of Exodus and Leviticus
     Typology in the Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings
     Typology AFTER the Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings


E. Schuyler English - Ordained of the Lord: A Biography of Harry Ironside

Ephesians - Bible Study

Esther - Bible Study

Exodus - Bible Study

Earth, What is God Doing on - selections from Dr. Rene Showers Book

Ezra - Bible Study

Ecclesiastes - Dr. C. E. Mason - Mason Course

Ephesians (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

The Book of Esther - Mason Course
Introduction, and Summary Outline
     Full Outline of the Book of Esther (Scroggie Adapted)
     Types in the Book of Esther
     The Gospel According to Esther
     Hebrew Poetry

Eschatology I - Mason Course
     A.  Preliminary Observations
     B.  The Ages and Dispensations Compared and Related
     C.  Mason's Dispensation Chart
     D.  Opposition to Dispensationalism
     E.  Contrasts Between the Non-Dispensational and the Dispensational View
     F.  The Advantages of Dispensational Study
     G.  An Historic Sketch of the Dispensational View of Biblical Study

     A.  The Edenic Age and The Dispensation of Innocency  Genesis 1:28-3:6
     B.  The Antediluvian Age and The Dispensation of Moral Responsibility (Conscience)  Genesis 3:7-8:14
     C.  The Postdiluvian Age and The Dispensation of Human Rule (Government)  Genesis 8:15-11:26
     D.  The Patriarchal Age and The Dispensation of Promise  Genesis 11:27-Exodus 18:27
     E.  The Israelitish Age and the Dispensation of The Law  Exodus 19-Acts 1
     F.  The Church Age and The Dispensation of Grace  Acts 2-Revelation 3
     G.  The Age of Judgment and The Dispensation of Expectancy  Revelation 4-19
     H.  The Age of the Millennium or Kingdom and The Dispensation of Divine Rule (Christ's Reign)  Revelation 20:1-15; 21:9-22:5

Eschatology I (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Eschatology II
(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
Eschatology III
(Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course


Family Tree, Abraham's  (Chart)

Israel and The Feast of Weeks


Galatians - Bible Study

Genesis - Bible Study

Gentile Salvation

Listing of English and Corresponding Greek Verb Tenses and Moods

Romans and Galatians (c. 1965) - Mason Course
     Introductory Remarks on Romans
     Introduction to Romans, Romans 1:1-17
     Division 1 - Doctrinal, Romans 1:18-8:39
     Division 2 - Dispensational, Romans 9-11
     Division 3 - Exhortational, Romans 12:1-15
     Conclusion, Romans 15:8-16:27
     Introductory Remarks on Galatians
          I.  Introduction to Galatians, 1:1-10
          II.  Paul Vindicates His Apostolic Authority, 1:11-2:21
          III.  The Doctrinal Argument:  Justification is alone by Faith in Christ
          IV.  A Practical Exhortation to Enter into the Full Consequences of Their Spiritual Liberation, 5:2-6:10
          V.  Conclusion, 6:11-18

God's Self Revelation

The Gospel

The GOSPELS - Mason Course
An Expository Analysis of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
(c. 1971) - Mason Course
     A Comparison of the Four Gospels and An Introduction
     The Kingdom Offered, 1:1-11:1
     The Kingdom Rejected, 11:2-12:45
     The Kingdom Postponed, 12:46-28:20
     Addendum I, The Order of Events Compared with Mark, Luke, and John
     Addendum II, The So-Called "Lord's Prayer" -- Its Use and Its Abuse
     Addendum III, Matthew 11:28-30 -- Our Lord Turns to the Individuals Within the Nation
     Addendum IV, The Terms - "Kingdom of Heaven," and "Kingdom of God" - Synonymous
     Addendum V, Who Is The Stone?

The Gospel According to Mark - Mason Course
The Gospel According to Luke
- Mason Course
The Gospel According to John
- Mason Course


Habakkuk - Bible Study

Haggai - Bible Study

Hebrews - Bible Study

Contains Hebrews Chapters 1-13
Each Chapter Contains

The Visualized Text of each verse
Questions on words and phrases of each verse
Cross reference verses of each verse
Horizontal Chart for each chapter
Text in Natural Paragraph Form for each chapter
Commentary for each chapter

Hebrews 1:1-3 Brief Outline

Hebrews - Chapters 1-13 [32 Video Lessons] by Jim Deering

Hebrews (part of Latter New Testament Epistles - Mason Course)

Hebrews Outline - Dr. John McGayhe

Jesus' Birth, Questions about & The Herods

Home Page -

Studies in Bible

Hosea - Bible Study

"How To Live The Successful Christian Life" - Dr. Glen E. Clifton

Hamartiology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     I.  Evolutionary Hypothesis VS. Biblical Revelation
     II.  The Temptation
     III.  Effects of the Fall
     IV.  Questions About the Fall
     V.  The Divine judgment Because of the Fall
     VI.  Results of Divine Judgment
     VII.  Human Speculation About Sin's Nature and Origin
     VIII.  The Biblical View of the Origin of Sin
     IX.  The Nature of Sin
     X.  The Transmitted Sin Nature
     XI.  Three Areas of Imputation

Hebrews (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
Dr. John F. McGahey Outline on Hebrews
     Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr. Outline on Hebrews

Introduction to: Hermeneutics (Biblical Introduction) - Mason Course
     Qualifications of an Interpreter
     A Brief History of Hermeneutics
     Fundamental Axioms upon which the Science of Hermeneutics Rests
     Rules of General Hermeneutics
     Rules of Special Hermeneutics

Home Page -
Studies in Bible


"In Him," "In Christ"

"In Him" - A Reference Study on Our Inheritance

Introduction to:  Inspiration (Biblical Introduction) - Mason Course
     Introductory Material
     Various Inadequate Theories of Inspiration
     Verbal and Plenary Inspiration
     Inspiration According to the Scripture
     Testimony of the Early Church
     Testimony of the Secular Writers
     Objections to Doctrine of Verbal Inspiration and Replies

E. Schuyler English - Ordained of the Lord: A Biography of Harry Ironside

Israel and The Feast of Weeks


James - Bible Study

Jesus and The Law

Jesus' Birth, Questions about & The Herods

"Jesus Walks on Water - References"

Jewish Holiday Chart

"Jewish Marriage Customs" Renald Showers

Joel - Bible Study

John. The Gospel of - Bible Study

John - Notes on John the Baptist - Dr. H. H. Ehrenstein

John the Baptist in Prophecy - Dr. H. H. Ehrenstein (Mat. Addendum)

John - Introduction - J. Deering

John - Outlines - various

John - Wiersbe Notes

John - The Ministry of John the Baptist - J. Deering

Joshua - Bible Study

1 John - Bible Study

2 John - Bible Study

3 John - Bible Study

Jude - Bible Study

Judges - Bible Study

John, The Gospel of - Mason Course

The GOSPELS - Mason Course
An Expository Analysis
of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (c. 1971) - Mason Course
     A Comparison of the Four Gospels and An Introduction
     The Kingdom Offered, 1:1-11:1
     The Kingdom Rejected, 11:2-12:45
     The Kingdom Postponed, 12:46-28:20
     Addendum I, The Order of Events Compared with Mark, Luke, and John
     Addendum II, The So-Called "Lord's Prayer" -- Its Use and Its Abuse
     Addendum III, Matthew 11:28-30 -- Our Lord Turns to the Individuals Within the Nation
     Addendum IV, The Terms - "Kingdom of Heaven," and "Kingdom of God" - Synonymous
     Addendum V, Who Is The Stone?
     The Gospel According to Mark
     The Gospel According to Luke
     The Gospel According to John

John - Introduction - C. E. Mason - Mason Course

The Book of Job (OT Poetic Books) - Mason Course
Introduction, and a Summary Outline of the Book of Job
     Job's Three "Friends" and the Central Theme They Present
     An Interesting Quotation
     Analytical Outline of Job
     Addenda to Job

Jude (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Introduction, Outline, and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

On Judging Others

1-2-3 John (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     1 John Introduction and Summary Outline
     1 John Expository Analysis
     Note on 2 and 3 John
     2 John
     3 John


1 Kings - Bible Study

2 Kings - Bible Study

Dr. Ralph Keiper - Philippians Chapter 1 - Audio Recording

Kings Chart

Summary of the Kingdom

A Brief Summary of the Kingdom



Lehman, Louis Paul - The Sinner's Day in Court

Jesus and The Law

Leviticus - Bible Study

Lewis, C.S., Mere Christianity

Lewis, C.S., Out of The Silent Planet

Luke - Bible Study

The GOSPELS - Mason Course
An Expository Analysis of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (c. 1971) - Mason Course
     A Comparison of the Four Gospels and An Introduction
     The Kingdom Offered, 1:1-11:1
     The Kingdom Rejected, 11:2-12:45
     The Kingdom Postponed, 12:46-28:20
     Addendum I, The Order of Events Compared with Mark, Luke, and John
     Addendum II, The So-Called "Lord's Prayer" -- Its Use and Its Abuse
     Addendum III, Matthew 11:28-30 -- Our Lord Turns to the Individuals Within the Nation
     Addendum IV, The Terms - "Kingdom of Heaven," and "Kingdom of God" - Synonymous
     Addendum V, Who Is The Stone?
     The Gospel According to Mark
     The Gospel According to Luke
     The Gospel According to John

Clarence Larkin Biography


MacCorkle, Dr. Douglas B. - Books

                          "Prophetic Peaks" - An Exposition of the Olivet Discourse
                          "God's Own VIP's" - How God uses Election, Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification for our good
                          "Devotions from the Book of Hebrews" from Beside the Still Waters
                          "Beside Still Waters"

Malachi - Bible Study

Mark - Bible Study

Hannah & Mary


Matthew - Complete Outline - Ryrie

Matthew - Bible Study

Hendricksen's "Characteristics of Matthew"
Hendricksen's "Information on the Book of Matthew"
Mason's "Introduction to Matthew"
Mason's "Synopsis of The Gospel of Matthew"
Mason's "New Testament Chronology"
Karleen's Outline of Matthew
Ryrie's "Introduction to the Gospel According to Matthew"
Ryrie's "Outline of the Gospel of Matthew"
Gaebelein's "Introduction to Matthew"
Gaebelein's "Notes on Matthew"
Ladd's Matthew
G. Campbell Morgan's "Matthew - Jesus Christ the King"
A. Gaebelein - Intro to Chapter One
M. Unger - Notes: Chapter One
L. S. Chafer - Notes: Chapter One
A. Gaebelein - Intro to Chapter Two
J. Deering Chapter 2 Commentary
NASB Summary and Outline - Chapter Three
John The Baptist - Various: Chapter Three
L. S. Chafer - Repentance
A. Gaebelein - Intro to Chapter Four
Various Outlines - Various - Chapter Four
J. Deering Chapter 4 Commentary
A. C. Gaebelein - Intro to Chapter Five
C. C. Ryrie - Outline: Chapter Five
J. Deering Chapter 5:1-16 Commentary
J. Deering Chapter 5:1-48 Commentary
L. S. Chafer - "33 Blessings, or Precious Promises"
A. C. Gaebelein - Introduction to Chapter Six
C. C. Ryrie - Outline Chapter Six
J. Deering Chapter 6 Commentary

"Does God Change His Mind?" - Robert B. Chisholm Jr.

"Dispensationalism EXPLAINED" a re-published version of Dr. Mason's book, Dispensationalism Made Simple, with updated language and graphics, (Click here to see the original book - Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Philadelphia College of Bible C. 1976)

Introduction to:  Manuscripts and Versions (Biblical Introduction) - Mason Course
     The Transmission of the Old Testament Text
     The Transmission of the New Testament Text
     Versions of the Bible in English
     Versions of the Bible - Chart

The GOSPELS - Mason Course
An Expository Analysis of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
(c. 1971)
- Mason Course
A Comparison of the Four Gospels and An Introduction
     The Kingdom Offered, 1:1-11:1
     The Kingdom Rejected, 11:2-12:45
     The Kingdom Postponed, 12:46-28:20
     Addendum I, The Order of Events Compared with Mark, Luke, and John
     Addendum II, The So-Called "Lord's Prayer" -- Its Use and Its Abuse
     Addendum III, Matthew 11:28-30 -- Our Lord Turns to the Individuals Within the Nation
     Addendum IV, The Terms - "Kingdom of Heaven," and "Kingdom of God" - Synonymous
     Addendum V, Who Is The Stone?
     The Gospel According to Mark
     The Gospel According to Luke
     The Gospel According to John 

"Jewish Marriage Customs" Renald Showers - Mason Course

Micah - Bible Study - Mason Course

Miracles of Jesus


Nahum - Bible Study

Nehemiah - Bible Study

The Church's Relationship to the New Covenant - Rodney J. Decker

a New Testament Chronology - C. E. Mason, Jr.

"Baptism in the New Testament" - Chafer

"T'was the Night Before Christmas" - an Exposition of - Dr. John Cawood - Audio Download

"T'was the Night Jesus Came" - Poem

Numbers - Bible Study

Numbers - The High Priest's Breastplate (Picture)

The Names of God (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

A New Testament Chronology - Mason Course

The Later New Testament Epistles - Mason Course
(Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

(Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Philemon (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course

(Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Note on Epistles of Paul After His Release from Imprisonment
- Mason Course

Note on The Pastoral Epistles
- Mason Course

First Timothy
(Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Titus (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Second Timothy (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Second Peter (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Jude (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Introduction, Outline, and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

1-2-3 John (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     1 John Introduction and Summary Outline
     1 John Expository Analysis
     Note on 2 and 3 John
     2 John
     3 John

Hebrews (Later New Testament Epistles)
- Mason Course
     Dr. John F. McGahey Outline on Hebrews
     Dr. C. E. Mason, Jr. Outline on Hebrews

a New Testament Chronology - C. E. Mason, Jr. - Mason Course


Obadiah - Bible Study


Old Testament Book Outlines - C. E. Mason, Jr.

Old Testament Introduction - J. Deering

Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets - J. Deering

Introduction to the Old Testament Minor Prophets

A Short Old Testament Survey - J. Deering

Old Testament Timeline (Chart) - J. Deering

The Relation Of Old Testament History To Bible History
     The Method Of This Course
     Special Note on the Scofield Reference Bible
     Outline on The Creation To The Call Of Abraham
     Comment on The Creation To The Call Of Abraham
     Outline on The Call of Abraham to Christ
     Comment on The Patriarchal Period: Abraham Through Joseph
     Summary Outline and Comment: the Period of the Oppression in Egypt, the Exodus, and the Wilderness Wanderings
     Comment: on the Period of the Oppression in Egypt, the Exodus, and the Wilderness Wanderings
     Outline on Canaan Conquered and Divided by Israel
     Comment on Canaan Conquered and Dived by Israel
     Outline and Comment on the Period of the Judges:  Death of Joshua to Ascension of Saul
     Outline on the United Kingdom: Ascension of Saul to the Death of Solomon
     Comment on The United Kingdom: Ascension of Saul to Death of Solomon
     Introduction and Charts on the Divided Kingdom: Ascension of Rehoboam to Fall of Jerusalem
     Comments on the Divided Kingdom Part I
     Comments on the Divided Kingdom Part II
     Comments on the Divided Kingdom Part III
     Comments on the Divided Kingdom Part IV
     The Babylonian Captivity
     Outline on the Return From Exile
     Comment on the Return From Exile
     Outline on the 400 Silent Years: After Malachi, to Christ
     Comment on the 400 Silent Years: After Malachi, to Christ
     Addendum-1:  Israel's Neighbor:  Mesopotamia
     Addendum-2:  Israel's Neighbor: Egypt
Questions On Old Testament History

Old Testament Poetic Books - Mason Course

The Book of Esther (Old Testament Poetic Books)
- Mason Course
     Introduction, and Summary Outline
     Full Outline of the Book of Esther (Scroggie Adapted)
     Types in the Book of Esther
     The Gospel According to Esther
     Hebrew Poetry

The Book of Job (Old Testament Poetic Books) - Mason Course
Introduction, and a Summary Outline of the Book of Job
     Job's Three "Friends" and the Central Theme They Present
     An Interesting Quotation
     Analytical Outline of Job
     Addenda to Job

The Book of Psalms (Old Testament Poetic Books) - Mason Course
Introduction, and About the Psalms
     Addendum to Psalms

The Book of Canticles, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs (Old Testament Poetic Books) - Mason Course
1.  Part I. Introduction
          Historical Background
          The Story Back of the Book
          (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 37-38a)
     2.  Part II.  The Plot
          The Plot Usually Given (Ewald's)
          Objections to This Plot Usually Given
          Dr. Ironside's Suggested Plot
          The Advantages of Dr. Ironside's Plot
          Two Things to Note
          Key to the Book
          (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 38b-42)
     3.  The Various Songs (Canticles) Which Compose the Song
          Canticle-1, 1:2-6, "A song of longing to be brought into the bridegroom's presence"
          Canticle-2, 1:7-8, "An answer which did not answer"
          Canticle-3, 1:9-17, "Loves admiration"
          Canticle-4, 2:1-7, "A song of perfect love (His love) which casts out our fear"
          Canticle-5, 2:8-17, "A song of a happy visit and a promised return"
          Canticle-6, 3:1-5, "A sad song which ends right"
          Canticle-7, 3:6-11, "A song of an amazing marriage"
          Canticle-8, 4:1-7, "The bridegroom's solo of delight"
          Canticle-9, 4:8-5:1, "The song of his eager proposal and her glad acceptance"
          Canticle-10, 5:2-6:3, "The song about the altogether lovely one"
          Canticle-11, 6:4-7:10, "A song of the Shulamite's superiority"
          Canticle-12, 7:11-8:4, "A song of a homesick bride"
          Canticle-13, 8:5-14, "The song of a triumphal homecoming"
          (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 43-XX)

The Book of Ecclesiastes (Old Testament Poetic Books) - Mason Course
     Authorship, Time of writing, Keys to the book
     Inspiration and Revelation, Purpose of the book
     Message of the book
     "The Garden of Proserpine"
     Summary Outline
     Notes on Ecclesiastes
     Why All Is Vanity
     The Better Findings of Human Wisdom
     Advice From The Aged Solomon
     The Only Satisfactory Solution To Life ... And Death

The Book of Proverbs (Old Testament Poetic Books) - Mason Course
     Inspiration, Dispensational Position
     Relation to Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes
     Summary Outline
Teaching Outline

Old Testament Book Outlines - C. E. Mason, Jr. - Mason Course


Philadelphia Biblical University

 Acts of the Alumni 1969, magazine pages
 C. E. Mason, Jr. - Biography

W. W. Rugh, Philadelphia School of the Bible

1.  God's Great Work of Redemption through the Gospels - W. W. Rugh (c. 1912)
An Introduction (and outline) to the Epistle To The Romans - W. W. Rugh (c. 1912)
An Outline Study of the Bible and Its Books - W. W. Rugh (c. 1912)

1 Peter - Bible Study

2 Peter - Bible Study

Paul "The Life of"

Paul "The Life of" - Dr. Douglas MacCorkle

Paul - "The Life of Paul, The Called Apostle"

Paul - "Chronology of Paul's Life" - J. Deering (Chart)

Paul's Missionary Journeys Chart

Pauline Epistles - A General Introduction - J. Deering

The Pauline Epistles Intro

Philippians - Bible Study

Philemon - Bible Study

All the Prayers of the Bible, Paul Billheimer, Everybody Magazine, c. 1970

God's Precious Promises - Lewis Sperry Chafer

God's Precious Promises 2 - Lewis Sperry Chafer

God's Precious Promises with Expanded Bible Verses

Prepositions - Dr. H. H. Ehrenstein (Chart)

"Baptism - A Quick Study on the use of Water Prepositions in the New Testament"

Baptism, Reference Notes on - assorted Bible texts and Greek words - Resource


High Priest Breast Plate - Picture

Introduction to he Old Testament Prophets - J. Deering

Introduction to the Old Testament Minor Prophets - J. Deering

Dr. C. I. Scofield - The Purpose of God in this Age (Pt.2)

Pastoral Studies (in connection with Di 435 Denominational Distinctions) - Mason Course
Denominational Distinctions:
     I.  The Pastor and His Assurance of Divine Appointment
     II.  The Pastor and His Ordination
     III.  Pastoral as a Person
     IV.  The Pastor's Preparation and Preaching
     V.  The Pastor Presiding Over Church Services
     VI.  Pastoral Visitation
     VII. The Pastor Administering the Ordinances
     VIII.  The Pastor and Weddings
     IX.  The Pastor and Funerals
     X.  The Pastor and Transacting Church Business
     XI.  The Pastor Managing Church Troubles
     XII.  The Pastor and Musicians
     XIII.  The Pastor and Church Organizations
     XIV.  The Pastor and the Problems of Finance
     XV.  The Pastor and the Missions Problem
     Appendix (cp. VIII. The Pastor and Weddings - "Pre-Nuptial Contract")
A Sample Constitution:

Second Peter (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Philadelphia Biblical University
Acts of the Alumni 1969, magazine pages (mason_ActsOfAlumni1969)
C. E. Mason, Jr. - Biography

Philemon (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course

Philippians (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
     Expository Analysis

Pneumatology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

The Book of Psalms (OT Prophetic Books) - Mason Course
     Introduction, and About the Psalms
     Addendum to Psalms

The Book of Proverbs (OT Prophetic books) - Mason Course
     Inspiration, Dispensational Position
     Relation to Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes
     Summary Outline
     Teaching Outline


MacCorkle, Dr. Douglas B. - Books

                          "Prophetic Peaks - an Exposition of the Olivet Discourse"




Dr. Earl Radmacher - Charasmatics & Tongs, Audio Recordings

Redemption - J. Deering (Chart)


Jesus' Call to Redemption of the Jews

Repentance, A Commentary on - Based on work done by Lewis Sperry Chafer - Resource

Sermon Notes for:  "The Responsibilities of Being Grown Up", J. Deering

"The Christian's Responsibilities," G. Coleman Luck

The Relationship between Living and Resurrected Saints in the Millennium

Revelation - Bible Study

God's Self Revelation

Revelation - The Two Witnesses

Dr. Charles Haddon Robinson - Speaking to Young Pastors, Audio Recording

Romans - Bible Study

Romans - Book on, MacCorkle, Dr. Douglas B. - Books
                          "God's Own VIP's" - How God uses Election, Foreknowledge, Predestination, Calling, Justification, and Glorification for our good.

Ruth - Bible Study

Ruth - The Field of Boaz

Ruth - Salmon the Rescuer

The imagery of Ruth VS Israel

Ruth - "Inneundo" The Propriety of Ruth and Boaz

Ruth - The Cycles of Fellowship

Ruth - The Literary Structure sin the Book of Ruth (a "must" read) - Reg Grant

The Book of The Revelation Of Jesus Christ - Mason Course

     (Revelation, PCB 1969: p. 1-4a)
          1. The book of Revelation is the climax of the Bible
          2. The Bible teaches trends and states ultimate results
     Pivotal Facts About The Book
          I. It is an unveiling, not a mystical obscuring
          II. It is a panorama of the future
          III. It is a book of visions
          IV. It is a book of symbols
          V. Every symbol is explained in the book itself, or somewhere else in Scripture
          VI. The key to the book of Revelation is at the door
          VII. The message of the book
          VIII. It is a terminus of all the various tracks of truth from Genesis to Jude
          IX. Various views on Revelation
     (Revelation, PCB 1969: p. 4b-12)
     The Four Views Charted and Explained
          A. Spiritualizing or allegorical view
          B. Preterist view
          C. Historical or continuous-historical view
               Amillennial Chart
               Postmillennial Chart
          D. Futurist view Chart
               Thiessen's Chart
     Reasons for believing the futurist viewpoint
     General Panorama of Prophetic Events Chart
     The Futurist Interpretation of Revelation Chart
     The Seven Churches Chart
     The Tribulation and the Millennium Chart
     The Revelation of Jesus Christ
     (Revelation, PCB 1969: p. 13-22)
          I. The things that thou has seen 1:1-19
          II. The things which are 1:20-3:22
          III. Things which shall be after these things 4-22
     Parenthesis Chart
     (Revelation, PCB 1969: p. A1-A4)
Who are the twenty-four elders

Romans and Galatians (c. 1965) - Mason Course
     Introductory Remarks on Romans
     Introduction to Romans, Romans 1:1-17
     Division 1 - Doctrinal, Romans 1:18-8:39
     Division 2 - Dispensational, Romans 9-11
     Division 3 - Exhortational, Romans 12:1-15
     Conclusion, Romans 15:8-16:27
Introductory Remarks on Galatians
     I.  Introduction to Galatians, 1:1-10
     II.  Paul Vindicates His Apostolic Authority, 1:11-2:21
     III.  The Doctrinal Argument:  Justification is alone by Faith in Christ
     IV.  A Practical Exhortation to Enter into the Full Consequences of Their Spiritual Liberation, 5:2-6:10
V.  Conclusion, 6:11-18

W. W. Rugh, Philadelphia School of the Bible
     1.  God's Great Work of Redemption through the Gospels - W. W. Rugh (c. early)
     2.  An Introduction (and outline) to the Epistle To The Romans - W. W. Rugh (c. early)
     3.  An Outline Study of the Bible and Its Books - W. W. Rugh (c. early)
     4.  Christ In The Tabernacle - W. W. Rugh, (1912)
     5.  The Bible and Its Books - W. W. Rugh
     6.  Intro To The Gospels - W. W. Rugh (1915)


1 Samuel - Bible Study

2 Samuel - Bible Study

God's Self Revelation

Dr. C. I. Scofield - The Purpose of God in this Age (Pt.2)

Dr. C. I. Scofield - The Church Age

Dr. Louis Paul Lehman, "The Sinner's Day in Court"


Dr. George Slavin - Spiritual Life Conference 1971-1972m Bio and Audio Recordings

Song of Solomon - Bible Study


The Book of Canticles, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs• (OT Poetic Books) - Mason Course
1.  Part I. Introduction
     Historical Background
     The Story Back of the Book
     (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 37-38a)
2.  Part II.  The Plot
     The Plot Usually Given (Ewald's)
     Objections to This Plot Usually Given
     Dr. Ironside's Suggested Plot
     The Advantages of Dr. Ironside's Plot
     Two Things to Note
     Key to the Book
     (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 38b-42)
3.  The Various Songs (Canticles) Which Compose the Song
     Canticle-1, 1:2-6, "A song of longing to be brought into the bridegroom's presence"
     Canticle-2, 1:7-8, "An answer which did not answer"
     Canticle-3, 1:9-17, "Loves admiration"
     Canticle-4, 2:1-7, "A song of perfect love (His love) which casts out our fear"
     Canticle-5, 2:8-17, "A song of a happy visit and a promised return"
     Canticle-6, 3:1-5, "A sad song which ends right"
     Canticle-7, 3:6-11, "A song of an amazing marriage"
     Canticle-8, 4:1-7, "The bridegroom's solo of delight"
     Canticle-9, 4:8-5:1, "The song of his eager proposal and her glad acceptance"
     Canticle-10, 5:2-6:3, "The song about the altogether lovely one"
     Canticle-11, 6:4-7:10, "A song of the Shulamite's superiority"
     Canticle-12, 7:11-8:4, "A song of a homesick bride"
     Canticle-13, 8:5-14, "The song of a triumphal homecoming"
     (Old Testament Poetic Books, PCB 1970: p. 43-XX)

Soteriology I & Soteriology II  (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

Dr. Mae Stewart - Interview: "What makes Christianity Important to me" 1974



1 Thessalonians Bible Study

2 Thessalonians - Bible Study

1 Timothy - Bible Study

2 Timothy - Bible Study

Titus - Bible Study

Christ In The Tabernacle - W. W. Rugh

Theology Proper (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course
     Introduction to Theology Proper
          I.  Theism / Trinitarianism
          II.  The Doctrine of the Trinity (Tri-Unity)
          III.  The Persons of the Trinity
          IV.  Special Note on Mark 13:32 "Christ's Alleged Ignorance of the Time of His Return"

Typology (Introduction to Doctrine) - Mason Course

     Introduction to Typology
          Typology in the Book of Genesis
          Typology in the Books of Exodus and Leviticus
          Typology in the Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings
          Typology AFTER the Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings

First Timothy (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
          Expository Analysis

Titus (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
          Expository Analysis

Second Timothy (Later New Testament Epistles) - Mason Course
     Introduction and Summary Outline
          Expository Analysis




Understanding the Bible, "The Bible Quick Chart," H. Mears


Visualizing "In Christ" - Chart and Text


Dr. Jack Wyrtzen - How Can I Be Used of God 1973-1974

"Jesus Walks on Water - References"

"Baptism - A Quick Study on the use of Water Prepositions in the New Testament"

"What Every New Christian Should Know" - Dr. Glen E. Clifton




Zechariah - Bible Study

Zephaniah - Bible Study



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